First Battle: Lost Sheep at a Crossroads[]
The profile of Friend Sheep, real name Meland Sherry, is given, including her power of hypnosis and her charge of killing enemy prisoners and using their flesh, skin, hair and internal organs to sew clothing, which she would give out to the soldiers free of charge.
Duodecuple announces the names of the twelve war criminals of the western zodiac signs, and informs the twelve warriors of the eastern zodiac signs that capturing them is their goal.
After being informed of the rules of the twelfth zodiac war, the warriors stand around awkwardly, surprised by the sudden turn of the situation. The Younger Tatsumi Brother finally breaks the silence, suggesting that they introduce themselves to each other. Nezumi thinks to himself that, while he is grateful for somebody finally speaking up, he doesn't want to deal with the twin's frivolous attitude. He thinks that he would have preferred Sharyuu to have spoken up, noting her unusual silence. Nezumi is determined to not waste the miraculous timeline where the warriors don't have to kill each other.
The narration explains that Nezumi never wanted to participate in this fight, and used his ability, Hundred Click, to attempt to avoid the war after being invited, but no matter what, it would end up with him dying. And in every timeline during the war, the warriors would end up killing each other in various different ways and sequences; every timeline except for the current one, in which, for reasons not even Nezumi understands, the rules of the war changed.
Ushii repeats Duodecuple's claim that, if they manage to capture all of the war criminals, all of their wishes would be answered, an offer which all of the participants find suspiciously generous. Nezumi wracks his brain as to what the cause might be, but he ultimately cannot find an answer, also noting that he's getting sleepy from using his power too much, having to constantly pay attention to every timeline at the same time. Then, Tora calls the event stupid, saying she'll do whatever she wants, and proceeds to walk out of the ballroom where the warriors were gathered, not surprising Nezumi, who notes that her aggression towards Ushii is not favorable for a timeline where they must cooperate. Then, Uuma wordlessly walks away in the other direction, which Nezumi would have liked to avoid thanks to the man's defensive capabilities being useful, though he hesitates to try to stop him because he wants to avoid his ability somehow being found out. Then, unexpectedly, Usagi declares that he wants to cooperate with everyone, calling it fate that they're able to work together like this.
Usagi explains that he has been waiting for a chance to make friends with living people his whole life, also claiming that it's their duty as warriors to take care of criminals like them. Nezumi finds this unexpected due to his experience with Usagi in his other lives, and the other warriors are also suspicious of him, Hitsujii even readying his weapons, which alarms Nezumi, but then Usagi blindsides everyone by openly revealing his power as a Necromanticist and explaining how it works. Everyone is initially speechless at this open show of trust, but then Niwatori also agrees with Usagi's sentiment of taking down the criminals. Seeing this, the other warriors gradually start talking to each other, with Ushii first joining in, then Hitsujii and then Inounoshishi, all of them sharing information and ideas about the war and the criminals, at which Nezumi is very relieved. Inounoshishi explains that she acquired information that the criminals are also gunning for them, theorizing that they also have wishes they want granted, while Hitsujii reveals that they are wanted by several agencies around the world.
Seeing this scene of the warriors talking to each other when they'd only been killing each other in the other timelines moved even a child soldier like Nezumi, although he quickly snapped out of it, thinking that he couldn't just sit there and watch. He paid attention to the other warriors not participating in the conversation, finding it strange that Sharyuu was keeping away from the group instead of joining in like she'd usually do as an advocate of peace, anxious that there might be something he missed. Ushii then states that they shouldn't let the war criminals take advantage of them, and offers to go bring back Uuma, asking for another volunteer to fetch Tora, to which Niwatori agrees. Inounoshishi proposes for them to introduce themselves before they depart, and all of them state their names, zodiac sign and creed. Once the four who participated in the discussion are done, Dotsuku and Sharyuu also say their names, with Nezumi the only one left. Late in reacting due to his sleepiness, Ushii asks him for his name and if he intends to cooperate, but as Nezumi pulls himself together and finally tries to say his name, what comes out of his mouth is the name of Friend Sheep, the war criminal of Aries. Nezumi's body lunges forward and decapitates Ushii, realizing that Nezumi died a long time ago, and that "he" is actually Friend Sheep released from hypnosis, wearing "western clothes".
The narration states that the war has already begun, and the count is given: 10 warriors vs. 12 war criminals.
Second Battle: Learn to Crawl Before You Learn to Walk[]
The profile of war criminal Look Me, real name Luke Michelle, is given, including her charge of serial kidnapping of infants from war zones, due to her own inability to give birth, as well as her ability, Imaginary Child, with which she can create a new warrior by fusing her own genes with someone else's, though the newborn's lifespan is only five minutes long.
Having left the rest of the twelve warriors in the ballroom, Tora grumbles to herself about her dissatisfaction with the war's developments. Her goal for participating in the Zodiac War was facing Ushii in battle, and the new goal of working together to capture the criminals ruled out any chance of that happening. As she wanders around the coastline of the artificial island in search of alcohol to rid herself of her sobriety, her thoughts are suddenly interrupted by Doctor Finish, who announces herself.
Doctor Finish suddenly appears out of the water, momentarily stunning the sober Tora. She readies herself for battle and takes a stance, but Doctor Finish doesn't reciprocate, instead diagnosing her with liver problems, going on to warn her that she should take better care of herself, deducing that she isn't good at defending herself during battle. Tora becomes even more confused, asking the Doctor if she's a veterinarian, to which she explains that she's a former military doctor, reassuring that she has no fighting capabilities. Although Tora doubts the woman, she is unsure of what to do, seeing no reason to attack her, not realizing that the war had already begun.
Tora asks the Doctor what she wants from her, warning her that she, along with the other war criminals, is the prey of the twelve warriors. Doctor Finish avoids the question, placidly thanking her, calling her a lifesaver, though telling her that, if she'd wanted to repay her for the diagnosis, there was no need, as "the patient's smiling face is the best reward". In response, Tora warns that she's been told her smiling face is pretty scary, though Doctor Finish in return claims that she already knows someone with a much more terrifying face. She then claims that, just as the warriors are hunting the war criminals, the war criminals are also hunting the warriors. When Tora asks her what she means, the Doctor warns that it's a pretty long story, to which Tora admits that she doesn't like long stories. The Doctor then explains that they, the outlaws, have joined forces to take over the Zodiac War.
Although Tora couldn't fully understand the implications of her statement, she at least figured out that it was the criminals' fault that the Zodiac War's rules were changed and that she didn't get to fight Ushii, which filled her with anger, giving her an impulse to kill the criminal in front of her. Suppressing that desire, Tora asks Doctor Finish what her charges are, but the Doctor once again evades the question, rifling through her bag and pulling out a pill case while explaining that she used to perform unlicensed surgery on the battlefield. She then explains that the drug inside the pill is legal in some countries but illegal in others, calling that the line between a warrior and a war criminal. Tora goes silent, confused about her parable, but sure that she isn't telling the full story. Meanwhile, Doctor Finish swallows the pill along with some seawater, explaining that she's supposed to take it between meals. Tora realizes that the woman is stalling for time, but instead of being worried, she instead becomes slightly excited, curious at what the woman is planning to pull, not feeling the aura of battle from her. At that moment, Look Me arrives, announcing herself with a terrifying smile.
Although her entrance isn't as strange as that of Doctor Finish, Tora is shocked when she notices the woman dragging a body around. Doctor Finish comments that she's late, asking Look Me what she'd have done if she got killed while waiting for her, to which the criminal in the wedding dress responds that she'd have laughed. As Tora wonders about the body being dragged along, the Doctor asks whether it's dead or not, to which Look Me explains that he's still alive, as she was unable to kill him due to his defenses. At this, Tora belatedly realizes that the unconscious body belongs to Uuma. Though she is unsure what to make of the situation, Tora's instincts tell her to take the chance to attack, while the newly appeared criminal has her hands full with the man's body. She quickly pounces on her, announcing her name as the warrior of the Tiger, slurring the last of her speech, the reason for her strange pronunciation being the needle that was inserted into her neck.
Doctor Finish apologizes for her "white lie" as she takes the syringe out of Tora's neck, revealing that, as a doctor, it's her job to kill, then explaining that she has euthanized her. As Tora convulses on the ground, she realizes that Doctor Finish hadn't been stalling for her ally to show up, but waiting for Tora to turn her back on her. As Tora struggles on the ground, the two war criminals calmly exchange conversation with each other, ignoring her entirely. Using the last of her power, Tora asks Doctor Finish why she went about it like this, since attacking a warrior like Tora from behind is a more risky approach than relying on a pincer attack. Doctor Finish, surprised that Tora hadn't died yet, incredulously asks her what she's talking about, explaining that it's more fun to kill careless small fry like that. At that, Tora can't help but smile, finding it fitting that a warrior gone off the right path would be dispatched by a lowly criminal who kills people for fun. With that thought, Tora passes away.
The narration explains that, at almost the exact same moment as Tora's death, Friend Sheep also killed Usagi by piercing his heart. The count is given: 8 warriors vs. 12 war criminals.
Third Battle: Distinguished Beyond Compare[]
The profile of Double Mind, real names W2222 and M2222, is given, including their charge of theft, detailing how they are the result of an illegal human experiment conducted by a military organization. They were deemed failures and incarcerated in separate facilities, but both managed to escape, and eventually reunited on the battlefield. For unknown reasons, the sister stole an aircraft carrier while the brother stole a nuclear submarine, earning them a spot on the list of wanted criminals.
The Tatsumi brothers walk briskly through the roads of the artificial island, the younger brother asking the older one which side they should camp with, between the war criminals and the warriors. The older brother falls deep in thought, recalling the shocking earlier event in which Nezumi, possessed by Friend Sheep, murdered both Usagi and Ushii, two of the strongest warriors, before being kicked away by Sharyuu. Upon examining him, they realized that he'd already been dead for some time, after which both brothers promptly left the ballroom. The older brother ruminates on the fact that he, like the other warriors, may have been glued to the spot in shock if not for the prior information he'd possessed, information given to them by Baron Sue, the war criminal of Libra.
Of the war criminals named by Duodecuple at the start of the battle, while the Tatsumi brothers had heard all of their names, and were acquainted with over half of them, Baron Sue was the only one they were particularly close to. When the Tatsumi brothers stood trial, Baron Sue served as the Chief Justice, and their controversial acquittal still being passed down as a bad precedent. As a result of continuously pulling strings to acquit lawbreakers, Sue was expelled from the justice system as a criminal.
The brothers remember Baron Sue's warning, sent through underground channels, that "this Zodiac War wouldn't be like they expect it to". They didn't take the warning seriously, as they considered that even the twelve war criminals wouldn't be able to affect the powerful organizers of the War. Nonetheless, Baron Sue offered the two brothers a chance to join the side of the war criminals should they want to, reiterating how he considers them friends. Though they thought nothing of it, when actually hearing Sue's name from the referee's mouth, they understood the situation quicker than the other warriors could, which helped them avoid being killed in the attack. The younger brother mentions that, though Baron Sue might consider them friends, Friend Sheep and the other war criminals might not take kindly to them, before nonchalantly asking if the older brother might actually be the Sheep in disguise, which he denies just as nonchalantly, exchanging light-hearted words as they advance towards a hiding spot prepared in advance to use as a base.
The two exchange ideas, the younger saying that it might be a good idea to quickly switch to the criminals' side before the warriors' numbers dwindle any further, while the older brother retorts that, even if they win as criminals, they won't get their wishes granted, and they won't be able to return to their normal lives without the authorities pursuing them. However, he reminds that there is still the mystery of what the criminals' goal is, as they wouldn't be doing this without expecting something in return, and concedes that if it's a worthy enough prize, he would be willing to go to their side. The younger brother thus proposes that they try to snatch one of the criminals aside from Baron Sue and get them to spill the beans. They discuss various possible targets, eventually mentioning the name of Double Mind, at which point the exact duo blocks their path with convenient timing, and the two announce themselves simultaneously.
Although they had different genders and didn't look similar, Double Mind gave off the impression that they were one being, and the two brothers instinctually felt disdain for the twins, to the point that they would have wanted to kill them even disregarding the rules of the Zodiac War, a feeling they suspected to be mutual, as the twin sister aimed her crossbow at the older Tatsumi brother, and the twin brother readied his warhammer against the younger Tatsumi brother. The younger Tatsumi brother wonders if this is some kind of test from Baron Sue, while the older one concludes that it must be a trap, though the twins confirm that Sue truly does considers the brothers to be friends, and that they just want to kill them, ruminating that Baron Sue should forgive them for that as well.
The two brothers, ready to kill, announce their names and aim their hoses, the tanks on their back, their weapons of choice, containing liquid hydrogen and gasoline respectively, confident that their wouldn't be matched by the single-minded thief twins. However, they soon realize that the tanks on their backs are empty, having been slowly drained while the two were casually walking and chatting, the narration stating it to be the work of Muppet Bottle, capable of controlling liquids. Their necks were then pierced by long arrows shot from far away, not by the twins before them, who'd been sent as a diversion, but by Unsun Sajitari, the war criminal of Sagittarius, who the Tatsumi brothers had been unable to sense due to the gap in distance. The brothers fall to the ground, dying together, never even having figured out who'd killed them.
Muppet Bottle and Unsun Sajitari announce themselves to no one in particular. The count is given: 6 warriors vs. 12 war criminals.
Fourth Battle: To Each Their Own[]
The profile of Sir Cancer, real name Ceaser Ceaser, is given. He was originally a negotiator who made a living mediating the conflicts between countries. He was determined to not only achieving a ceasefire, but to fully uprooting the conflicts that lead to wars, and this dedication led to him being suspected of being a spy and being stripped of all of his achievements, becoming a wanted criminal. It is also revealed that he was the true winner of the 8th Zodiac War, but wished to remain off the record.
The narration comments on the situation of the war, stating how, even though the rules originally portrayed the battle as a game of tag with the warriors at an advantage, the situation turned out to be the opposite of that, with half of the warriors wiped out, while the war criminals' numbers are unchanged. It then lists off the remaining participants, before stating that the situation has evolved past a regular competition, and that if the war criminals were to take over the Zodiac War, the entire world might be turned on its head.
Inside a large virgin forest, Hitsujii and Uuma are facing each other. Hitsujii is frustrated that not even his most powerful grenade, "Freakish Send-Off", can damage Uuma's absolute defense, meaning that even using all of his remaining bombs would be unlikely to scratch him. Fortunately for Hitsujii, Uuma's fighting strategy is a monotonous one, using his defense as an offense by trying to ram into his adversary. This monotony is not because of a lack of ability on Uuma's part, but because he had lost his mind and was being manipulated.
Hitsujii ponders what could be the cause of this insanity, concluding that it must have been the influence of some drug. As a needle probably wouldn't pass through Uuma's defense, Hitsujii deduces that the method of administration was either a pill, an ointment or, most likely, some kind of gas. Judging from the damage on his clothing, Hitsujii thinks that Uuma must have been attacked by the war criminals. The only silver lining to the situation is that Uuma only seems capable of following simple orders. Hitsujii decides that it's time for a change of strategy.
Following Friend Sheep's attack using Nezumi's body, Hitsujii announced that he would be working by himself and left the the ballroom, though he was surprised that Sharyuu didn't try to stop him and insist that they should be working together. He was planning on keeping his distance from the group, but still fighting in part alongside them. Thinking that he'd go back to them if he had to, Hitsujii headed off to the virgin forest he'd been eyeing as a hiding place, intending to monitor the situation of the war from a detached position for a while. However, arriving at the forest, he came face to face with Uuma. Hitsujii tried to team up with him and the rest of the warriors that left the group, but the warrior of the horse suddenly attacked him, leading to the current situation.
Hitsujii concludes that Tora and the Tatsumi brothers must have already been attacked as well, and although he finds it regrettable, he decides to put Uuma out of his misery, sure that the man wouldn't want to be kept alive as a puppet like that. Hitsujii names himself, and Uuma also instinctually gives out his name, though Hitsujii never gets to hear it, as he immediately shielded his ears from the blast of every one of his Freakish Send-Off grenades detonating at once. The old man thinks to himself that he regrets never getting to hear Uuma's voice, as he'd heard a rumor that it was very beautiful.
Hitsujii's attack was not aimed at Uuma himself, as his defenses would have likely nullified even the combined blast of every bomb, but rather at the trees surrounding him, making the forest catch fire. Hitsujii's plan was to attack Uuma in the same way that the war criminals had administered the drug; by making him inhale the smoke resulting from the fire, and killing him that way. Seeing the huge man tumble to the ground, Hitsujii feels anger at having to kill someone who was supposed to be his comrade, though he isn't sure who to direct it to. Quickly deciding that it's too early to relax, as the smoke served as an obvious signal marking his location, Hitsujii hurries to escape out of the forest. However, waiting for him at the exit to the forest is the war criminal of Cancer, Sir Cancer, who announces his name.
Hearing the names of the war criminals being listed off, the only one who impressed an arms dealer like Hitsujii was that of Sir Cancer, the war negotiator. The most famous war negotiator is currently Sharyuu of the twelve warriors, whose record of war settlements remains unbroken, but before her time, Sir Cancer was worshipped as a hero and messenger of peace, thought even to be capable of wiping out war as a whole from the world. However, before Sharyuu even became known, he was forced into retirement after messing up a big negotiation. Hitsujii thought that he had died, but upon learning of his infamy as a war criminal, he wasn't very surprised, as it made sense to him that this man would be able to bring together the war criminals into a cohesive unit.
Clapping his hands, Sir Cancer comments that the plan was for Hitsujii to be killed by his comrade Uuma, not for him to come and finish the old arms dealer off. Seeing him, Hitsujii internally accepts that he will be killed, but still shows the other man the utmost courtesy, asking why a man of his stature would participate in such a brawl, to which Sir Cancer denies the compliment, saying that he is nothing more than a petty criminal. Hitsujii states that it's an honor to meet him on the battlefield, internally concluding that the other man had calculated this outcome perfectly, his humble demeanor merely a remnant of his negotiator days. Hitsujii says that he won't show any pointless resistance, but requests that he won't be made into a puppet like Uuma after his death, to which Sir Cancer readily agrees, revealing that he's thankful for Hitsujii killing the warrior of the horse, as they'd been struggling to do so because of his defensive power. Hitsujii, prepared, asks to be beheaded, before announcing his name.
After bludgeoning Hitsujii to death with his umbrella, making sure not to get any blood on his suit, Sir Cancer mutters that most of the troublesome people have already been dealt with thanks to Friend Sheep's initial attack, but since his successor Sharyuu remains, they can't be negligent, saying that, since it's already a one-sided game, he'd like to have a complete victory. The count is given: 4 warriors vs. 12 war criminals.
Fifth Battle: Snake in One's Bosom[]
The profile of Dandy Lion is given, including his crime of rioting and treason. He was originally a soldier in the air force who, through his charisma, managed to stage a revolution and overthrow his country's government. However, after brutal and inhumane treatment of both the rebel army and the opposition, the world turned against him and he had to flee the country. His love of astrology is also mentioned, revealing that he was the one who gave all the war criminals their aliases.
Dandy Lion watches the air strike carried out on the old castle used by the twelve warriors by Double Mind, which he ordered, the narration remarking that he's the first one to use weapons as large scale as missiles in rapid succession in the history of the Zodiac War. He wonders if the remaining warriors truly died, to which the Double Mind twins ask him what they should do, commenting that the remaining warriors aren't as straightforward as the Tatsumi brothers, and might have managed to escape. Dandy Lion thinks about which warriors haven't died yet, to which Double Mind enumerate them: Sharyuu, Niwatori, Inounoshishi and Dotsuku. Dandy Lion remembers how Sharyuu managed to unite his scattered birthplace, before ordering Double Mind to crash the aircraft into the remains of the castle, just in case, as well as to not neglect the monitoring of the area.
A little while before the air strike, Inounoshishi slaps Sharyuu, snapping her out of her daze and yelling at her to show some leadership. Because of the rapidly developing situation, Sharyuu had been unable to keep up, but Inounoshishi's uncharacteristic outburst helped her finally get her bearings. She then slapped Inounoshishi back, reportedly to avoid any further grudges, baffling the warrior of the boar, before calling out to every warrior present, declaring that she'll take charge and asking if anyone has any problems with that. In response, Niwatori immediately raises her hand and, first mentioning that she couldn't say it because of the heavy atmosphere, reports that everyone who'd left the ballroom was already dead, befuddling Sharyuu. Niwatori, with no regard for the other woman, continues, informing her that there are missiles being directed at the castle and asking the people in the room if any of them have the secret technique of creating a bomb shelter.
The narration explains Niwatori's ability, Eye of the Cormorant, which allows her to see through the eyes of birds and which let her see the deaths of the other warriors, though she didn't try to save them because she had no time and no reason to, as she doesn't feel any camaraderie for the other warriors. However, realizing that her own life is in danger due to the missles, Niwatori reported the information as fast as she could. Sharyuu thinks that, if she'd been informed of it earlier, she could have come up with various ways to combat it, but as is, she can only think of one.
In truth, Dandy Lion didn't think the air strike would be successful at killing the warriors, and only wanted to flush them out of the castle, as the warriors, more experienced in combat, might be able to even the scores in a drawn-out battle of attrition. While he doesn't know about Niwatori's ability, Dandy Lion assumes that they'd find a way to sense the approaching attack, but looking out at the area through binoculars, he doesn't see any of them running out, and wonders if they really died in the bombing. The Double Mind twins ask if they should go and confirm the deaths, though commenting that, if they didn't manage to escape, there probably isn't any fragment of their bodies left. Dandy Lion remains silent, falling deep into thought.
The warriors naturally assumed that all of the exits would be watched, so they went with a very reckless plan: waiting until the very last moment before the missles reached the castle, and busting their way through a wall under the cover of the smoke and fire, a strategy that wouldn't have worked if there'd been more than four of them, or if they hadn't all acted in unison. Sharyuu wonders why the silent Dotsuku would so readily agree to follow her orders, but decides to think about it later. Niwatori informs Sharyuu that her birds found a nearby cave without any guards that they can use as a hideout, leading Sharyuu to momentarily think about how weird it is that they relocated an entire cave when they created the artifical island.
The cave had been brought over to the artificial island because its creators judged the natural labyrinth of the cave to be worthy. Standing at the entrance of the cave, Dandy Lion boldly steps inside without a second thought, followed by Double Mind. Sharyuu's plan had been a success, as the war criminals were unable to detect the escape of the warriors, but Dandy Lion nonetheless followed his intuition rather than logic, and continued to believe that the warriors didn't really die. Once he came to that conclusion, he decided it would be a waste of time to check the site of the bombing, and instead headed directly for the cave―a place which the strategist of the war criminals, Sir Cancer, had deliberately left unguarded in order to create an escape route for the warriors that the war criminals can exploit. Using Double Mind and their weapons to cut off all the forks in the road as they encountered them, Dandy Lion's group steadily advances through the natural labyrinth. Though the noise must have alarmed the warriors inside, Dandy Lion doesn't mind, refusing to sneak around his prey.
However, after blocking off every fork in the road and arriving at the end of the cave, Dandy Lion doesn't find anyone. Wondering if his intuition had been wrong and the warriors really just died, Dandy Lion decides to have the younger twin's submarine bombard the cave as well. However, before he can give the order, the Double Mind twins yell out to him, telling him to look up. As he raises his head, he sees missles mixed in with the stalactites. Instinctively, Dandy Lion yells out the order to evacuate, having no time to logically process why missiles would be up there. The narration reveals that the warriors had used the remaining dud missles that didn't detonate to set up a trap, and used the stalactites to create an ignition device, with the dripping water serving as a time signal. The remaining missles finally doing their job and detonating, the cave was blown up, disappearing without a trace, and with it both Dandy Lion and Double Mind.
The narration states that, though the warriors have finally started fighting back, the score difference is still immense. It asks where the warriors could have disappeared to without a trace after setting up a trap and leaving the cave, then stating that the war is not yet in its final stages. The count is given: 4 warriors vs. 10 war criminals.
Sixth Battle: A Maiden's Heart and the Clear Autumn Sky[]
The profile of Iron May, real name Andy Almar, is given, including his charges of desertion under enemy fire, indecent exposure and a number of minor offenses. He was born in a new country where his doting parents raised him as a girl in order to avoid him being drafted. When this was discovered by the regime, he was sent to the harshest battlefield as a penalty, but by seducing both the his superiors and the enemy leader, he continued avoiding combat, earning the nickname "goddess of enticement". Though acting boyish, he continued dressing like a woman, and his gender was common knowledge among the army. He eventually inadvertently ended up leading a group of deserters from both sides of the conflict called the "Virgo Galaxy Cluster". His broom was inherited from his grandmother, who was well-versed in magic, and although it appears to be made of bamboo, it is actually a high-tech steel broom.
Niwatori reports to Sharyuu that Double Mind and Dandy Lion died due to the trap they'd set up, which brings down Sharyuu's mood, as, although she'd previously had to end many lives in order to pursue her ideals of achieving peace, and she'd been prepared for this when she came up with the trap, her heart still aches every time she has to kill. Hearing Niwatori happily celebrate their kills and excitedly encouraging everyone else to kill even more of the war criminals, Sharyuu thinks how Niwatori has some screws loose, though she compensates for it with her useful ability, as her accomplishments include not only finding the cave where they'd set the trap, but also creating their new place of refuge: a carpet made of the birds clumping together, supporting the four as they float in the sky, away from the watchful eye of the war criminals.
Inounoshishi enjoys the ride, likening the birds to a "magic carpet", while Dotsuku keeps nervously confirming if the ride is safe, calling it similar to riding on a cloud. Niwatori complains that her ability isn't normally used like this, and that she's repaying the birds by feeding them the corpses of the deceased enemies, before realizing that, since the twins count as one war criminal, she'll actually have twenty-four corpses to feed them instead of twenty-three. Inounoshishi retorts, asking her if she plans to be the only one to get out alive, to which Niwatori replies that that's the kind of competition the Zodiac War usually is, before apologizing for bringing down the mood, and changing the subject, asking Sharyuu what the next course of action will be, at which the leader fall into thought. Sharyuu believes that, even if the enemy was somehow aware of Niwatori's ability, they wouldn't be able to think of this usage, and they wouldn't attack immediately after one of their own was taken out, giving them some time to plan. Sharyuu concludes that the other side is much more skilled in team battles, and also recognizes Sir Cancer and his strategic prowess as the real problem, wondering what tactic he will go with next. Seeing Sharyuu fall silent again, Inounoshishi calls out to her, declaring that in the next confrontation, she'd be the one to take the enemy down with her weapons, saying that they can't afford any negotiations until they bring it down to at least a double score, 4-8, for the enemy. Sharyuu briefly wonders if Inounoshishi was trying to reassure her, before thanking her and agreeing to her idea. However, at that exact moment, two war criminals appear in front of the dumbfounded warriors: Look Me and Iron May, who announce themselves.
The reason for the warriors being dumbfounded wasn't that the war criminals could fly, but the fact that the two, dressed in a wedding dress and a maid uniform respectively, were riding on a flying broom. Iron May reveals that the policy of their strategist is to not let the enemy have any time to think, before comparing the flying warriors to the characters from Journey to the West, calling Sharyuu Son Wukong, making her think that he doesn't really know anything about the story. The warriors all ready their weapons, and Sharyuu thinks that she's the only one who can keep the situation from escalating, but then Iron May asks them if they want to make peace, totally blindsiding the pacifist. Look Me reassures from the backseat that it isn't some kind of trick question or quiz, but that the death of their "king", Dandy Lion, ruined their morale so much that they're willing to stop fighting and come to the negotiating table. Sharyuu is stumped, trying to determine whether the request is genuine or an attempt to stab them in the back. Iron May rushes her, asking her to hurry up if she wants to say no, so that they can prepare for the next step, which Sharyuu assumes to be battle, leading her to try and guess what kind of ablities and fighting styles people in maid uniforms and wedding dresses would possess.
Niwatori tells Sharyuu that she can't afford not getting onboard, since they could finally make peace, at which point Sharyuu asks her teammates what they think is the right action to take. Inounoshishi replies that she finds it hard to accept that they'd suddenly be open to negotiations just because they lost one of their own, when they still have the overwhelming advantage. Dotsuku says that he thinks they should accept, which surprises Sharyuu, as the image she'd had of the Warrior of the Dog was that of a brute due to all the nasty rumors about him. Sharyuu has no intention of leaving the decision to majority vote, but is unsure what to make of not only her enemies' thoughts, but also her allies'. In the end, she responds with a "no", to which Iron May casually says that "it's too bad", though also adds that, while he doesn't know what their strategist will think, they're personally happy about it. Sharyuu is confident in her decision, as she shares in Inounoshishi's suspicion about them coming to negotiate when the difference in score is still so big, since they won't have any leverage, and they should wait until they get the war criminals' score down to 8.
Then, with the talking over, Sharyuu readies herself for battle, and announces herself, planning to jump from the "magic carpet" onto their "magic broom". However, before she can even begin the jump, Iron May pushes Look Me down from the broom. Puzzled, Sharyuu asks if they want to fight on the ground, but Iron May denies it, saying that they failed their mission, so they have to die. Then, he also throws himself off, though he makes sure to modestly cover the contents of his skirt before doing so. Before falling, he reveals that he was told that, even if they're enemies, causing people to die gives her psychological damage, and thus was ordered to die if he fails. Sharyuu, in disbelief, yells at him to wait, but while falling, he responds that he won't wait, as Look Me is already dead and he would rather die than fight. Sharyuu extends a hand out, but is unable to reach. While Sharyuu can't believe that such a barbaric way to negotiate exists, Niwatori innocently calls out, asking if she is allowed to feed the corpses to the birds as payment, thereby confirming the deaths. While she agrees, Sharyuu inwardly asks what Sir Cancer thinks lives even are, before realizing that these deaths have just brought down the score to a 4-8. Composing herself, she declares "Let the negotiations begin, Sir Cancer."
The narration declares that a battle between the old and new pacifist, the battle between the Monkey and the Crab, has begun. The count is given: 4 warriors vs. 8 war criminals.
Seventh Battle: To Want it Both Ways[]
The profile of Baron Sue, real name Aeron Smith, is given, including his charge of contempt of court. He was a judge mainly presiding over war criminals, but he was infamous for always acquitting the defendant, no matter what. He was notorious for taking any backroom deals necessary to reconcile paintiffs and defendants, and resorting to any means necessary to forgive crime, even assassination. Eventually, in his fifth year of presiding as Supreme Court Justice, he was sued, and nobody came to defend him, as even the people acquitted by him thought he went too far. Even after officially being dismissed as a judge, he is still proud to be an "arbiter" and "forgiver", and carries around a giant scale counterweight held by a hook as a weapon.
Although Iron May and Look Me didn't tell the warriors where the negotiations would be held, they quickly deduced the location to be the 2nd most central location on the island after the destroyed old castle, the Colosseum. The twelve remaining warriors and war criminals face each other, both sides lined up. Sharyuu analyzes the war criminals in front of her, recognizing them from wanted photos. Her attention is first drawn to her predecessor, Sir Cancer, and then to Friend Sheep, the one who'd killed both Ushii and Usagi right in front of her. Then, her attention is drawn to Skull Pyon, a legendary assassin whose existence she wasn't even certain of. Then, finally, she considers Go To Heaven and Doctor Finish, whom she ambiguously mentions to have some relation to Dotsuku.
An hour prior to the negotiation, still on their "magic carpet" of birds, Niwatori randomly goes on a tangent about the legend of The Farmer and the Badger, stuck on something Sharyuu had said, exasperating the woman. Before trying to negotiate with the enemy, Sharyuu asked her teammates for their opinions and positions in order to avoid later turmoil during the actual negotiations, especially since she doesn't quite understand Niwatori and Dotsuku's ways of thinking, but Niwatori derailed the conversation right off the bat. Inounoshishi explains that even she is displeased to see the blood of noncombatants being spilled, and that if the war criminals are not willing to fight, she's fine with accepting peace, but says that she will leave the peace talks to Sharyuu, as she isn't good with delicate matters. Sharyuu then asks Dotsuku why he agreed to make peace, to which he initially makes a snide remark about her preconceptions of him, before explaining that he is, similarly to the Tatsumi brothers, closer to a war criminal than a warrior, and so wouldn't want to fight them if possible. At that, Inoushishi calls the man on his bluff, saying that it doesn't really make sense for him to be willing to kill warriors but not war criminals. At that, he finally admits to his real reason, explaining that, while he knows it doesn't make sense, and doesn't matter for anyone but him, he accepted the peace offering because two of the war criminals were previously his "students".
When asked to elaborate, Dotsuku says that "student" isn't really an appropriate term, revealing that the two, specifically Go To Heaven and Doctor Finish were, in reality, children that he'd sold in human trafficking. Although he supposes that they don't remember him anymore, he remembers them fondly for being "good products", and assumed they'd become great soldiers, so was shocked to learn they ended up as war criminals when their names were announced at the start of the war. Sharyuu asks him if he wants to reconcile with them, but he denies it, saying that it's a common thing to meet acquaintances on the battlefield, and that he merely answered affirmatively for a peace treaty accidentally, calling it a mere inadvertent whim. Sharyuu asks if he's certain that they don't remember him, inquiring if they could maybe use the relationship as a hook to establish peace, but Dotsuku explains that it'd be more troublesome if they did remember him, since they may want revenge on him for his treatment of them in the past. With nothing more to say, Sharyuu is silent, and Niwatori takes the opportunity to butt into the conversation and try to wrap it back around to the topic of The Farmer and the Badger, once again exasperating Sharyuu.
Back to the present, Sharyuu, looking Go To Heaven and Doctor Finish's facial expressions, presumes that the two don't remember their former "teacher". Quickly leaving her personal feelings about the situation aside, she steps forward and begins the negotiation, she and Sir Cancer exchanging greetings. Although the warriors have the disadvantage in terms of numbers, Niwatori has her birds keeping watch on the whole affair from above, scrutinizing their enemies' every move. Sir Cancer begins by stating that Sharyuu must want to find a way for everyone to survive and that he, too, desires that. Sharyuu, in response, brings up the two war criminals who'd been sent to their deaths earlier, to which Sir Cancer claims that "those two, and only those two, actually did want to die". He then explains that they war criminals aren't as monolithic as Sharyuu thinks, before calling out to Baron Sue. As Sharyuu recalls all of her knowledge of the former judge, Sir Cancer proposes that he be the one to oversee and mediate the negotiations, to which Sharyuu agrees. As Baron Sue begins his speech, Sharyuu realizes from the voice that the judge isn't actually a man, but a woman dressed as one. However, after delivering a monologue, she doesn't name herself as the warrior of Libra, but rather names herself as Friend Sheep, before immediately lunging toward Sharyuu with extreme speed and attacking her with the counterweight she carries around everywhere. Realizing that Baron Sue is actually being controlled using Friend Sheep's hypnosis, she has no time to dodge, but before Baron Sue can hit her, Inounoshishi names herself and tears Friend Sheep apart with her machine guns, before pridefully declaring that she could smell Friend Sheep's perfume coming from Baron Sue with her incredible sense of smell.
The moment Friend Sheep's body falls to the floor, Baron Sue also stops moving, and the same bullet holes appear all over her own body as well. Sharyuu thinks about how Friend Sheep's power must work like a switching trick with a target that is already dead, and that the damage must transfer between the user and the target, making it a risky move that can only be employed at certain times. The narration also reveals that the real reason why Inounoshishi attacked Friend Sheep wasn't because of her stated power of smell, but rather, because Sharyuu had told her beforehand that, before the negotiations begin, Inounoshishi should randomly shoot one of the enemies.
Ignoring the bodies of his allies and with the same kind smile, Sir Cancer commends Sharyuu for her courage, judging her to be worthy of negotiating with him and stating that "someone who would be killed by a greeting prank like that wouldn't be qualified to ever speak of peace", before cruelly reminding her that two people have died because of her again. In response, Sharyuu, speaking in a similarly polite tone, dismissively asks him why he would care about that, before rudely telling him to not underestimate her, calling him a "grandpa".
The narration states that the negotiations continue, even with the casualties, and that people die even during negotiations. The count is given: 4 warriors vs. 6 war criminals.
Eighth Battle: To Detest Like the Snake and the Scorpion[]
The details of Skull Pyon's profile are unknown.
Inounoshishi ruminates on the situation of the war, thinking that, although they were finally able to make the first move against the enemy, they are still at a disadvantage in the negotiations. She thinks about the war criminal she's just killed and about Sir Cancer's strange attitude, unconcerned with keeping his teammates alive and widening the score difference between them and the warriors. She guesses that, since being caught would mean a death sentence for them, they don't fear death. Inounoshishi then considers Sharyuu foolish for wanting to save the criminals too, despite the rules of the game and their charges.
Sharyuu begins the talks by offering to help the criminals however they can. Although she notices Inounoshishi's worries, she can't afford to look away from Sir Cancer's eyes. While inwardly, she desperately thinks of a way to save everyone, she confirms the rules of the war with Sir Cancer, mentioning that they don't necessarily have to kill them, but instead just capture them, dead or alive, proposing that they surrender and let themselves be captured to avoid warfare. In response, Sir Cancer reaches out for his pocket watch with a laugh, and proposes to set a time limit of twelve minutes for the negotiations before moving on. Although Sharyuu wants to ask for more, she knows it's crucial not to overstep her boundaries in a negotiation, and reluctantly accepts, while simultaneously sending a signal over to Inounoshishi using a language they'd devised when they fought together on some battlefield, telling her to start firing randomly when the twelve minutes are up.
Moving on, Sir Cancer derisively praises Sharyuu, and after the woman's listless response, he explains that he's staunchly against the proposal, since for them, being caught would mean death sentences at the very least. In response, Sharyuu explains that if they accept the proposal, she would use her wish to get them reduced sentences. Sir Cancer surprisedly asks why she wouldn't offer having them be totally exonerated. In response, Sharyuu resolutely explains that she's not like Baron Sue, and that she won't allow criminals to get away with their wrongdoings, as that would lead to chaos. However, in response, Sir Cancer proclaims that he'd rather die than live out the rest of his life in prison, and turning back to his comrades, he points out that they're all in agreement about that. While thinking about whether any of the other warriors would be willing to use their wish to give the criminals immunity, she outwardly argues that, first of all, they should reduce the chance of them all dying to zero. After Sir Cancer once again dodges the question by giving her false compliments, she asks if the war criminals really just want all of the warriors dead, to which Sir Cancer vehemently denies the claim, insisting that, though they're criminals, they aren't psychotic killers, before eyeing Skull Pyon while pointing out the exception.
Sensing themselves mentioned, Skull Pyon gives out their name with funny timing which, coupled with their weird manner of speaking, would appear charming if not for the numerous people they must have killed, Sharyuu thinking to herself that even with a wish from the Zodiac War, exonerating the assassin might be impossible. Turning back to Sharyuu, Sir Cancer claims that he's not yet old enough to just hand over the win to the enemy, before remarking that there are some things more valuable than one's life, implying that the woman doesn't understand that. In response, she somewhat sardonically remarks that it's better than not valuing life at all, before inwardly thinking that she may have been too rude, and following up by asking what he desires so much that he'd even give up the life of his allies. In response, Sir Cancer declares that he wants the honor of the victor, and, after wondering aloud whether she's capable of understanding that or not, asks if they'd just be willing to lose and die. Sharyuu thinks that, while she can't comprehend his thought process, she wouldn't agree to that, but then, thinking that she'd be fine with losing, comes up with an idea. She asks Sir Cancer what the conditions of their victory are, and if they, also, can just capture the warriors alive, inwardly calculating that there are only five minutes left of the negotiation.
Sharyuu wonders what the criminals would do if they won, concluding that the Tatsumi brothers were taken out only because they didn't believe that there was any future for the war criminals even if they were victorious. Sir Cancer deflects Sharyuu's question, telling her that she finds it suspicious that she'd give up on her own wish just to save them, then asking her what that wish is. Sharyuu responds without hesitation that she wishes for world peace, to which Sir Cancer asks why she doesn't make that wish come true by annihilating the war criminals, since the easiest way to achieve world peace would be through winning. Sharyuu realizes that the discussion is being sidetracked, but she still responds honestly, telling the old man that she doesn't want to achieve peace by participating in a war, and that she may kill to stop a war, but never to win a war. Momentarily reduced to silence, he eventually offers her a hypothetical, asking exactly what she'd wish for if she were to win, to which she responds that she'd ask for them to roll in a gacha game for her, as she can never get the rare characters by herself. Bewildered, Sir Cancer doesn't respond, and Sharyuu continues to say that it was just a joke, and reveals that, if the war criminals were all annihilated, her wish would be to revive them all, and then send them off to get the death sentence later. Sir Cancer, in response, calls the answer "pleasant", though his tone of voice is obviously displeased, perhaps for the first time showing his true emotions.
Saying that everything up until then had just been a test for his successor, the former negotiator claims that he'll "finally get down to business", before promising to reveal the war criminals' objective. Sharyuu listens cautiously, confirming that there are four minutes left of the time limit with her inner clock. However, all of a sudden, Sharyuu's heart stops. Her mind trying to assess the situation, she thinks about what her cause of death might be with surprising clarity. She first considers it to be a heart attack, but then dismisses the possibility in favor for an attack from one of the enemies, theorizing it to be Skull Pyon's assassination technique, though she finds it unlikely due to the surveillance of Niwatori's birds. Falling to her knees, Sharyuu raised her head, only to see Sir Cancer fall down in the exact same way. She wonders if it was him who attacked her, but then dismisses the possibility when she sees his anguished face. So then, she comes upon the idea that some other war criminal, the true leader of the group, above even Dandy Lion or Sir Cancer, killed the old man in order to avoid him revealing their secrets. However, that leads her to wonder why they want to continue the war so badly, with no regard for the tactical disadvantages of their allies dying. Suddenly, right before dying, while hearing Inounoshishi's cry, she realized the true objective of the criminals, trying to figure out some way to pass the message to her teammates. However, in her last moments, seemingly resigned to her fate, she thinks to herself that "there's nothing to be done" about their objective, and as Inoushishi rushes to her side, she thinks to herself that, despite their rivalry, the woman actually liked Sharyuu after all.
The narration states that the showdown between the negotiators ended shamefully, with four minutes left on of the negotiation, and without revealing either Sharyuu's revelation or Sir Cancer's real feelings, both of them dying without even knowing who killed them. The narration continues that, both camps having lost their leaders, the war descends into chaos. The count is given: 3 warriors vs. 5 war criminals.
Ninth Battle: Don't Shoot at a Laughing Face[]
The profile of Unsun Sajitari, real name Sashitari Usuki, is given, including his charge of leaking confidential information. He used to be a promising new employee at a defense contractor agency, but after learning of rampant injustice that was being covered up, he leaked the industry's data out to the public. As a result, although the injustice was stamped out, blueprints of new military weapons became widely known, which resulted in millions of deaths. As a result, he decided to only use a bow and arrow instead of modern weapons, though he quickly mastered the art of archery.
Niwatori quickly calls forth her birds and, using her ability, evacuates with the remaining warriors away from the colosseum, leaving Doctor Finish to comment on her strange power, likening it to that of a magical girl, showing more disdain than admiration, the wheelchair-bound Go To Heaven also briefly commenting her antipathy towards the warriors. Noticing the absence of the corpses of Sharyuu and Sir Cancer, Doctor Finish wonders why they would also take their bodies, but then soon realizes due to the left-over tattered clothing and blood that Niwatori had actually made the birds eat the corpses, also noting the disappearance of Friend Sheep and Baron Sue's corpses. Looking at the other war criminals, Doctor Finish notes that they have to euthanize her, before confirming that they shouldn't waste their time thinking about who killed Sir Cancer, and that from then on, they should each act at their own discretion. After Go To Heaven once again states that they'd be better off without the warriors, Doctor Finish agrees.
Temporarily holing up in a house in an abandoned ghost village close to the colosseum, as they couldn't afford to continue flying above the city since their trick had been seen through, Niwatori considers the situation. She believes that, with the leader gone, the warriors' team is already as good as gone, but wonders who could have killed Sharyuu in clear view of her birds and how, before inwardly commenting that she already knows who killed Sir Cancer. Addressing Dotsuku, Niwatori asks him if he killed the elderly negotiator. Inounoshishi is surprised, but Dotsuku plainly confirms it, impressed that Niwatori realized it. Niwatori goes on to reveal Dotsuku's skill as a poisoner, having dug up information about all of the other participants' abilities (except for Nezumi) in anticipation of the war. Niwatori thinks to herself that she found the old man irritating and doesn't mind that he killed him, but it's a different story concerning Sharyuu. Inounoshishi aims her machine guns at Dotsuku, asking him if he was the one to kill Sharyuu as well. Dotsuku, however, denies it, saying that he only attacked Sir Cancer. Niwatori and Inounoshishi are still dubious, asking him if one of the war criminals has a damage reflection skill or something, thinking that the blame still falls on him. However, he dispells their doubts by revealing that, at the same time he attacked Sir Cancer, his pupil, Doctor Finish, having the exact same thought process, attacked Sharyuu, resulting in both of them perishing.
Dotsuku doesn't entirely deny the blame for the outcome, though he is frustrated that he thought in the exact same way as his student. Remembering the way that Doctor Finish killed Tora, Niwatori finds his story plausible. Dotsuku elaborates that the woman had probably worked together with Go To Heaven to pull off the attack. Niwatori concludes that Dotsuku had voted in favor of the negotiations purely to see his students, and once he confirmed that they don't remember him, he saw no reason to continue and decided to strategically get a leg up on the opposition by killing their leader. She considers it a good move, except for the fact that the enemy thought of the same thing and they both did it. Inounoshishi asks if it's possible that Doctor Finish might deduce his identity from the way he carried out the kill, which Dotsuku considers possible. Niwatori briefly thinks to herself that the man seems happy that his students inherited his fighting style, before thinking about why someone on the war criminals' side would want the killing to continue. Since all three of the remaining warriors are fighting types, Niwatori doesn't think that they can work together without a leader. She thinks about what she should do, before coming up with an idea. She asks Dotsuku to inject her with his One Man Army drug as a favor.
Feeling the effects of the ability-enhancing drug, Niwatori excitedly yells. Though the man was reluctant to give her the drug, she managed to convince him by holding the responsibility of what happened over his head, and wound up giving her the experimental drug which enhances both physical and mental capabilities. Niwatori herself also understands his apprehension, as she normally wouldn't risk getting the side effects of such a drug if it wasn't needed to survive and to escape. While Inounoshishi and Dotsuku had their backs turned, Niwatori broke through a window and fled from the village, thinking about how she herself has become a war criminal by deserting. Instead of taking part in this losing war, she intends to take advantage of the gap in power of the war's management committee and escape. With her mind made up, she dives from a cliff right into the sea. Although she doesn't know how long the effects of the One Man Army would last, she plans to swim however much she can away from the artificial island, and if she doesn't find land, she can take over any ship she runs into. Inwardly giving Inounoshishi and Dotsuku a brazen apology, remembering the letter she'd left them, she shamelessly states that she'll come back for the prize if they happen to win. However, her vision suddenly goes dark, and her body begins to sink into the ocean beyond her control. Panicking as she starts drowning, she thinks that it's almost like she jumped to her own death willingly, as if she committed suicide, even though there shouldn't have been anyone else in the world that doesn't want to die as much as her.
At the edge of the cliff, three shadows confirmed Niwatori's death before announcing themselves: Skull Pyon, Unsun Sajitari and Muppet Bottle. Skull Pyon wonders why Niwatori jumped into the water, when she should have known that there was a war criminal who could control water from seeing an earlier fight with her Eye of the Cormorant. In response, Muppet Bottle, as if defending her, explains that controlling a body of water as big as the ocean was difficult, even for him. Before his death, Sir Cancer has ordered the trap to be placed, the three warriors merely carrying on his will. Unsun Sajitari briefly comments that "Niwatori was a great warrior", before immediately wobbling over the side of the cliff and falling onto a sharp rock below, skewering him. Unsun tries to continue talking, calling her manner of killing him with birds elegant, but the only thing to come out of his mouth were feathers, as a bird eventually flies out like in a magic trick. Identifying the attack to have been the poison of a shrike controlled with the Eye of the Cormorant, Unsun briefly comments that he's glad he was the one to die.
The narration explains the Pitohui, a genus of poisonous bird which the shrike belongs to, and which Niwatori, who'd only known to use as a means of surveillance, was taught by Sharyuu how to use it as a means of transportation and by Dotsuku how to use it in poisoning. She used the bird, which she'd meant to deliver her letter with, in her final attack, by launching it straight into the archer's mouth. The narration says that, for the third time, the war criminals have a double score over the warriors. The count is given: 2 warriors vs. 4 war criminals.
Tenth Battle: Wear Goat's Horns[]
The profile of Go To Heaven, real name Valkyrie Gotou, is given, including her charge of possession of a prohibited weapon. Her mother, a civilian, was blown up by a landmine while pregnant with her, and the child was also damaged, but using illegal medical technology, she was put back together, leaving the child with a subconscious fear of touching the ground, which is why she uses a wheelchair instead of walking. Her mother having died and not having a father, she was bought, sold and kidnapped by various people all across the world. When she is taken in by a mad scientist, she resolves herself to remove every landmine in the world, using her knowledge gained from the internet to create an ultra-landmine to blow them all up.
An ordered list of each participant's score is given.
Inounoshishi vividly remembers her first meeting with Sharyuu, though she assumes that the pacifist probably forgot about it. Inounoshishi had been dispatched to a war zone in a desert, setting up a luxurious tent at the border of a country, earning the ire of the other soldiers. Instead of the battalion that was supposed to arrive, a single girl appeared from the direction of the enemy country: Sharyuu, holding the heads of the king and queen of that country, totally stunning the soldiers. Sharyuu, wearing a fierce expression, orders them to move out of her way, leaving Inounoshishi unable to act. Sharyuu walked all the way to the capital of the country, presenting herself in front of the head of the country and saying that, since the royal couple of the enemy country is now dead, the war can be stopped if he also sacrifices himself. The result was that a conflict which could have lead to thousands of deaths was avoided with only three sacrifices, an event which went down in history as a legend about the famous pacifist. Though the inspired populace spread many noble tales about Sharyuu, Inounoshishi was unable to forget the girl's terrifying expression as she stood in front of her, mentioning that, despite her reputation, Sharyuu, especially in her early days, used methods even more absurd and ridiculous to achieve peace, which often failed and ended up spreading damage. After their first encounter, Inounoshishi ended up coincidentally meeting Sharyuu again and again on many battlefields, and always hated her, thinking that she was the only one who could see her true nature, while everyone else was deceived by her. She swore to one day kill the pacifist, and on the many occasions that Sharyuu had to fight Inounoshishi, she was always merciless in trying to kill her, which actually reassured the warrior of the boar. However, Inounoshishi realizes that she'd constantly run into the pacifist on so many battlefields because she was actively seeking her out. She knew that there was no real rivalry between them, since the only thing Sharyuu cared about was her ideal of peace. That is why Inounoshishi couldn't wait for the Zodiac War, and even killed her own sister in order to make sure to participate, all in order to get her chance to settle her score with Sharyuu. However, when the time came, it ended up being a team battle, she couldn't help but laugh. And when she saw Sharyuu dying in front of her, for the first time, she felt something aside from bloodlust towards her. Inounoshishi admits to herself that she had loved Sharyuu, and though she won't try to avenge her, as she knows the pacifist wouldn't want that, if she could get any wish, Inounoshishi would wish to bring her back to life. Inwardly addressing Sharyuu, she tells her that, though they weren't best friend, they were comrades in arms.
Muppet Bottle and Skull Pyon watch Inounoshishi from afar as she stands in the burnt field that used to be the forest, focused such that she can intercept an attack from any direction. Remembering their comrade Unsun Sajitari's sudden killing, Muppet Bottle makes sure to keep watch from a long distance away, viewing the female warrior through binoculars made of water. Muppet Bottle and Skull Pyon exchange words, the water controller affirming that, since Sir Cancer's death, the war has become a power game with the war criminals at a disadvantage, as the warriors have more battle experience. In response, Skull Pyon asserts that, while they're an assassin, they're not really versed in actual fighting. Muppet Bottle retorts by sarcastically complaining that he has to rely on them, so much so that he could cry, to which Skull Pyon responds that they're jealous Muppet Bottle still has enough humanity to express such emotions. In contrast to the remaining war criminals, who split into teams of two, following Niwatori's escape attempt, Inounoshishi and Dotsuku split up, going their separate way, which Muppet Bottle found frustrating, as he would have preferred a single four-on-two battle instead of two separate two-on-one battles. The two war criminals debate on what they should do, and Muppet Bottle explains that he has a technique which can guarantee an instant death, but he needs an opening in order to execute it. In response, Skull Pyon offers to create an opening by letting Muppet Bottle attack while they're being killed.
While carefully concentrating in every direction, Inounoshishi is surprised at herself for being sentimental enough to remember her first meeting with Sharyuu in that situation. She thinks to herself that such sentimentality can prove fatal for a warrior, and that she may not be qualified to call herself one, considering the fact that Sharyuu dying before her led to her becoming weak. Inounoshishi then thinks that it's the war criminals that suffered most from her death, as she'd surely have been able to establish peace, even with Sir Cancer passing away. Remembering Sharyuu's final moments, Inounoshishi is surprised that she was so peaceful, as if she'd given up entirely.
At that moment, Skull Pyon announce their name, bursting out of the ground. Having paid close attention even to the direction below her, Inounoshishi isn't taken by surprise, and shoots the figure, tearing it apart with her bullets. At the same time, her body instinctively aims the other machine gun in the opposite direction, sensing that the other war criminal must have ambushed from there, and shot them full of holes. Having confirmed the death of Unsun Sajitari, Inounoshishi knows that there are only four warriors left, and figures that there were two attacking her. However, when she finally turned her head to see who she'd shot, she saw a naked body which, thanks to the machine gun's fire, became impossible to identify even the gender of at first glance―it was the true body of Skull Pyon, who'd shed their clothing in the opposite direction, and attacked stark naked. Realizing that she'd been duped, Inounoshishi thinks that it truly was her sentimentality that did her in, inwardly calling Sharyuu's death her own cause of death. At that moment, Muppet Bottle announces his name, and merely touches the nape of Inounoshishi's neck.
Muppet Bottle, the war criminal capable of controlling water, is also capable of manipulating and vaporizing blood, though he needs to be physically close to the target in order to do it, which he achieved through Skull Pyon's necessary sacrifice. The attack is a certain kill, as no warrior can continue fighting with their blood vaporized. Remembering the late Sir Cancer's policy to avoid independent action as much as possible, Muppet Bottle turns on his heels, intending to join back up with Go To Heaven and Doctor Finish. However, at that exact moment, Inounoshishi announced her name, and using both of her machine guns, shot Muppet Bottle in the back. She then says that she was a little surprised that the war criminal is able to manipulate the moisture inside humans as well, regretting that she dirtied her clothes by falling on the ground. However, she then pridefully delivers her graceful line, saying that "a noble like her has no blood or tears to shed, but only bullets".
The narration reveals the real reason why Inounoshishi was able to survive Muppet Bottle supposedly fatal attack, explaining that the war criminal hadn't taken into account encountering an enemy with similar abilities, and such an enemy just so happened to be a part of the twelve warriors: Sharyuu, who'd been taught the hermit magic of controlling liquids, solids and gases from Mizaru, Iwazaru and Kikazaru, though as a pacifist, she refused to use her abilities, knowing that subjugating others through force would only lead to a destructive weapon designed specifically to counter that being developed. She had sworn to herself that she wouldn't use those powers, no matter what situation she found herself in.
However, before Sharyuu's death, when Inounoshishi approached her body, she applied a defensive spell on the woman, almost instinctively. Even though she hadn't even used her powers to combat the stoppage of her own heart, when it came to her old friend, she decided that, if she could increase her chances of survival or prolong her life by even a little, it would be worth it, thinking to herself that, even though the woman hated her, she really liked the warrior of the boar.
Talking to herself after confirming the deaths of the fallen war criminals, Inounoshishi deduces that Niwatori's escape attempt probably failed, and although she hadn't particularly liked the young woman, she considers it pitiful nonetheless, and resolves herself to bring her back to life, alongside all the other warriors. Having finally made the scores even, Inounoshishi yells into the air, addressing the "leader" and telling her that she's finally caught up to her. The count is given: 2 warriors vs. 2 war criminals.
Eleventh Battle: The Autumn Sun Sets as Quickly as a Bucket Dropping into a Well[]
The profile of Muppet Bottle, real name Thomas B. Tholls, is given, including his charge of arson. As a child, he was inspired by the twelve warriors, and wanted to become a heroic fighter himself, but he lived in a political vacuum where he was given no opportunity to actually do battle. Tired of pointless training, he decided to take matters into his own hands, and started setting fires under the guise of an enemy attack, then putting them out himself, being lauded as a hero in the local newspapers. As he continued setting bigger and bigger fires, he eventually made a mistake and ended up burning his hometown down. In order to cover up his crime, he collapsed the local dam, sinking the region underwater. After the war, while he was working at a water purifier in a different country, the victorious nation launched an investigation and uncovered his misdeeds. In order to evade agents from his own country, he poisoned the water supply being exported to a multitude of nations.
Although Dotsuku had been referred to as a "warrior closer to a war criminal", like the Tatsumi brothers, he wonders which warrior isn't also a war criminal. If war itself is considered so evil, then why would someone who participates in it be called a "hero". He thinks that even someone idealistic like Sharyuu must have committed many atrocities during wartime. He then thinks about his own profession, child trafficking, and that, although illegal even during wartime in most nations; although he doesn't intend to justify his own actions with some kind of moral philosophy, he began his business because letting the children abandoned by society simply die left him a bad aftertaste, and that by sensing their potential and training them, he gave them a future. Though he admits it might just be hypocrisy on his part, he believes it to be a win-win situation for everyone involved. However, being forced to see the outcome of his actions is mentally taxing for him.
At the ruins of the old castle, Go To Heaven and Doctor Finish announce their names as they attack Dotsuku, who'd been running away from them due to the disadvantage he faces as a poison user in the battle; his poisons don't work on Doctor Finish, who possessed the same abilities as him, while Go To Heaven had been setting landmines, which Dotsuku has to avoid while moving through the rubble. He thinks that he never taught Go To Heaven something like that, and wonders what kind of hardships she must have gone through, though he realizes that he was probably one of them. Dotsuku is cautious due to the possibility that Doctor Finish had used the One Man Army drug, which would explain why the two war criminals with relatively little battle experience had survived thus far.
As he thinks that, Doctor Finish addresses him, asking him if he perchance feels pity for them for having become criminals. While still continuing to move, she says that, if that's the case, he should kindly let himself be killed, since dealing with another poisoner is a pain. Go To Heaven adds that he should step on a landmine. She continues, saying that it must be nice how he can do both good things and bad things. Dotsuku doesn't understand what she means. She continues, bringing up how, besides him, Inounoshishi is also left, then notes how she seemed upset about the death of Sharyuu, commenting that it's unfair, which Go To Heaven agrees with. Dotsuku is confused, but Doctor Finish goes on, saying that it must be nice for the warriors, for whom the kind of twist where it's revealed that "they were a good person all along at their core" is permitted, while that's not the case for evildoers like the war criminals. Dotsuku remains silent, realizing that this is just some kind of ploy to unsettle him, though he still can't help but admire what thorough scoundrels they are, and thinks that someone like him, too apprehensive to fight his former pupils, falls short of that.
Doctor Finish says that, for war criminals like them, there aren't any options, and that, no matter what road they take, they'll always arrive in the same destination. Dotsuku finally speaks, asking what their objective is. Though he isn't actually interested in hearing the answer, he continues the conversation in order to buy time to recover his stamina. He asks if they fight for money or honor, but Go To Heaven explains that they won't gain anything, that there's no upside or downside to surviving, saying that that's the way it should be. As Dotsuku thinks about her answer, Doctor Finish begins talking, saying that she'll explain their reason for taking over the Zodiac War, saying that "it all began twelve years ago", though Dotsuku immediately realizes this to be a bluff, as he notices her taking out a syringe. As he contemplates that she may be trying to give herself a second dose of One Man Army, he decides that it'd be too risky to allow her that advantage, and jumps at her while she speaks, announcing his name, but not before biting his own arm and administering One Man Army to himself. But before he is able to reach and bite her, his body is pumped full of bullets.
Inounoshishi, who'd been aiming at Doctor Finish, is perturbed when she realizes she'd shot Dotsuku, who suddenly jumped in the way. Doctor Finish doesn't overlook her momentary distraction, and throws the syringe she'd had in her hand at Inounoshishi. Inounoshishi thinks that, having survived Muppet Bottle's attack, she can withstand a bit of poison, but looking down at the syringe, she finds it to be empty, before realizing that it's a void syringe. The vacuum sucked out all of her blood and moisture, leaving her in a state of ischemia. She thinks to herself that she can't accept dying like this after all the battles she'd gone through, though the narration states that it's doubtful she'd have accepted any death. Most of the war criminals had died with a sense of conviction, but Inounoshishi stil hadn't figured out why Sharyuu looked so resigned when she died. She thinks that her friendship with Sharyuu was her cause of death, though she adds that she's happy about that. In her last moments before death, she thinks that, if there's such a thing as a reincarnation, it'd be graceful if she could be reincarnated in nine years.
Go To Heaven asks Doctor Finish what she did, and the woman explains that she'd noticed Inounoshishi hiding behind the wing of the collapsed fighter plane thanks to her enhanced sight, and in order to avoid a two-on-two battle, decided to undertake a reckless gamble. Go To Heaven says that, since her landmines were unusable in that ground condition, she could have asked her to be a decoy, but the doctor says that it was simpler for her to be the decoy, by distracting the warrior of the dog with her talking, then deliberately get him to notice her taking out the syringe, thereby making him attack her and block Inounoshishi's line of fire, then throw the syringe back at the woman. Go To Heaven is surprised by this plan with a mere 20% chance of success, but Doctor Finish says that the lower the success rate, the more interesting it is. Then, when examining Dotsuku's body, she is surprised to see that he had prepared on his attack a non-lethal anesthetic instead of a deadly poison. Go To Heaven proposes that maybe he'd noticed it was a trap and sprung up to protect Doctor Finish, but the woman just chalks it up to an extremely careless mistake on his part. Doctor Finish and Go To Heaven then set off to search for Niwatori, not knowing that she'd already died, and wander around the island for the next twelve hours until they get tired. The narration states that, without any cry of victory or celebration, the twelfth Zodiac was has come to an end, and the war criminals' insignificant plan will finally be revealed. The count is given: 0 warriors vs. 2 war criminals.
Final Battle: Fish Will Not Live in Water That Is Too Clean[]
The profile of Doctor Finish, real name Fuji Nocturne, is given, including her charge of violating the medical practitioners' act. She first revealed her talents in an internment camp, where, at a very young age, she demonstrated immense talents by treating the wounds and illnesses of her cellmates with whatever tools she had lying around, which was treated as a spectacle. The number of patients she operated on in a theater rather than an operating room was in the four digits. She was finally released after entering into a marriage with the director of the facility, but soon afterwards she poisoned him and his family. After that, she operated in various hospitals around the battlefield under different false identities. While she became world-famous for her skillful techniques, her actions were still against the law, and it later came to light that she'd been performing human experiments. She doesn't like being taken lightly because of her age, and so wears mature makeup, also devising new "aging" cosmetic techniques. She has two hamsters, a Djungarian hamster and a golden hamster, named Adrenaline and Lymph respectively.
An ordered list of each participant's final score is given.
Sitting on the beach, Doctor Finish mimicked Duodecuple, declaring the Zodiac War over and saying that the war criminals' team is victorious, though Go To Heaven instantly calls it a poor impression, frowning uncomfortably. However, Doctor Finish shoots back that it can't be that bad an impression, since she'd fooled every warrior when she pretended to be Duodecuple at the meeting in the ballroom. The narration explains her disguise involving changing her voice using drugs and wearing special makeup. Since the disguise was purely physical, unlike Friend Sheep's technique, it was imperative that none of the warriors had met Duodecuple before. Doctor Finish adds that she was in a real hurry, and when she almost ran into Tora, she had to jump into the water and change her clothes and remove makeup there, leading to her strange appearance out of the water. The narration states that it was only natural that everyone had found the theme of the twelfth war irregular; that's because it was all a fabrication. The twelfth war had, in reality, been totally organized by the war criminals, and the rule of capturing the war criminals "dead or alive" was introduced in order to confuse the pacifist. So, even if the war criminals had been wiped out and the warriors won, their wishes wouldn't have been granted either way. The narration then questions why the war criminals would let their lives be consumed for this fabrication.
After having interviewed each of the specially gathered war criminals present, Sir Cancer gave a speech to all of them, including Doctor Finish and Go To Heaven, his voice much more forceful and sincere. He speaks about how in wartime, criminal acts and heroic acts go hand in hand, ruffians become heroes overnight and mass murder is celebrated, and inhumane acts are forgiven. He goes on to call that a natural fact of life, as peace is more of a luxury, but then goes on to say that "the problem is the criminals that war creates", saying that war criminals can only exist because of war, and that none of the criminals gathered there would have ended up like that if not for war. Every one of the listeners already understood this, as there isn't a day where they don't think that it'd be better if there was no war, though they consider that the same as thinking that it'd be better if they'd never been born. However, Sir Cancer disagrees with this sentiment, and boldly proposes to all of them that they eliminate war.
Though the old man had said the same words when he invited each one of the war criminals, all of them found that goal impossible. However, Sir Cancer continues, saying that, to that end, they will crush the Zodiac War, the battle that serves as a symbol of all wars fought around the world. He proposes that they ruin it by "touching it with their filthy hands". At the old man's declaration, Doctor Finish and Go To Heaven felt a slight surge of emotion that they thought they weren't capable of anymore, but they were still doubtful that such a feat was possible, and even if it was, they didn't see what good stopping just one war out of many would accomplish. However, Sir Cancer explains his deeper motivations, stating that, even if they take over the war, they wouldn't get the right to a wish. He continues, saying that it's better that way; it is the promise of a luxurious prize that makes war break out every day, and so it's better that they wish for nothing and gain nothing.
The plan involved three steps: fabricating the Zodiac War, gathering the warriors, and massacring them. With that, the Zodiac War, the great symbol of the heroes of war will be annihilated by mere criminals, leading to the value of warriors plummeting and their meaning disappearing, to the point that there's no reason to care about the battle. Therefore, no matter how much Sharyuu tried, it would be impossible to make peace with the warriors, as killing them had been their goal all along. Though they bore no grudge towards the warriors themselves, their grudge was against war itself. If the war criminals killed all the warriors, the regular Zodiac War couldn't be held. It was a forced boycott; if they destroyed the war held once every twelve years, it would render every war afterwards, whether twelve years later or twelve centuries later, meaningless. The war criminals weren't monolithic, each one with their own different motivations or approaches, but in the end, each one of them agreed with the sentiment that they wish war didn't exist, which was enough to unite them. All of the war criminals announce themselves in a row. Though they aren't monolithic, neither is the management committee of the Zodiac War, and Sir Cancer managed to find collaborators who shared information with them, as well as an influential person to rent the artificial island from. And so, the stage was set; after the fake Duodecuple announced the made-up rules, and irregular team battle began.
Doctor Finish dispassionately notes that she's surprised two people survived, since the plan had less than a 1% chance of success, but Go To Heaven corrects her, saying that they can't survive, and they have to die too, to which Doctor Finish acts as if she'd forgotten that important fact: suicide was the finishing touch of the plan. The entire point of the plan would fall apart if the war criminals who massacred the warriors ended up being treated as heroes themselves. In order to avoid making the simple crime committed out of spite look like a grand ideological battle, they'd have to die at the end, something which they all agreed on at the beginning of the war. This is why all of the war criminals could treat their own lives and the lives of their allies so lightly; they weren't prepared for death, they looked forward to death. Doctor Finish notes that if they laze around any more, the management committee would find them and turn them into replacements for the war. She then also adds that she was worried that the One Man Army would improve her mental health too, and make her less willing to die, but it turned out not to be the case. She self-deprecatingly notes that people like them can be clever, but they can't be upright. Go To Heaven agrees, saying that it'd be better without them. Doctor Finish adds that, in these days, more people die of suicide than crime or war. She then asks Go To Heaven if she would prefer a pill that gives an easy death or a pill that gives a painful death. In response, Go To Heaven says that, rather than pills, they should step on one of her landmines, since, in the end, nobody ended up stepping on one, adding that she hopes one of the people from the management committee steps on one of them while investigating. Doctor Finish agrees, and proposes they make it look like they accidentally stepped on one, so that they don't look like they're glorifying suicide, which Go To Heaven calls "totally uncool".
The plan might not lead to the disappearance of war, but rather, the absence of warriors may lead to even more terrible upheavals, but the two female criminals will never know the outcome, as they'll have to irresponsibly throw away every path in front of them, no matter how many routes lay ahead. Doctor Finish thinks to herself that the wish of "if only war didn't exist" is just an excuse, and that they'd have probably turned out like this either way. But even so, all of the war criminals, including Doctor Finish, always kept that wish in their mind. Go To Heaven casually proposes that they go and die. Doctor Finish says that she'll call it "self-determination" rather than suicide, which amuses the other woman, who calls it totally uncool. She then brings up that this might be the first time in her life she decided to do something herself. Doctor Finish then asks Go To Heaven what she'd wish for if she could make any wish come true. The woman responds that she'd like to try going to school, to which Doctor Finish asks what school is.
The narration declares that the Zodiac War is thus complete, with every single warrior and every single criminal gone, though wars and crimes haven't yet disappeared. The count is given: 0 warriors vs. 0 war criminals.