
"The War Criminal of Sagittarius―Aiming and killing, Unsun Sajitari."

Unsun Sajitari

Unsun Sajitari (ウンスン・サジタリ, Unsun Sajitari), real name Sashitari Usuki (臼杵(うすき) 指足(さしたり), Usuki Sashitari), is an antagonist of Zodiac War. He is the War Criminal of Sagittarius (『射手(いて)』の戦犯(せんぱん), "Ite" no Senpan), part of the war criminals of the twelve western zodiac signs[1].


Unsun Sajitari is a quiet man that mostly keeps to himself, wearing a calm and subdued expression whilst only adding brief comments to his comrades' words. He is disciplined, learning the art of archery through extraordinary training, but he also has a powerful sense of justice, which is what led him to commit his crime in the first place. When he realizes his impending doom, he accepts it with similar docility, even commenting that he's glad he was the one to die, instead of his comrades. He also appears humble, praising Niwatori as a great warriors after defeating her.[2] Like all the other war criminals, Unsun hates war and is ready to give up his own life in order to eradicate it.[3] He speaks in archaic Japanese (similarly to a samurai) and dresses in a very traditionally Japanese way, but he reportedly has a distaste for Japanese food (especially onigiri) since he finds the idea of food made with one's hands unpleasant.[2]


Unsun Sajitari is a tall Japanese man with short, black hair and thin, slanted eyes. His most distinguishing feature is a large scar in the middle of his face which stretches from the top of his forehead down passed his the right side of his nose and to his chin. He is shown wearing a traditional Japanese archery hakama, with an ornate pattern on the sash with matching sandals, black fingerless on both hands, and a quiver full of arrows on his back.


Unsun Sajitari was a promising new employee of a defense contractor agency. However, after coming across certain acts of injustice that were being covered up in the industry, his sense of justice compelled him to publicize the information. Although this lead to the injustice being stamped out, an unintended consequence was the leak of military weapon blueprints, which led to the deaths of millions of people. As a result, Unsun was charged with leaking confidential information and became wanted as a war criminal. In repentance for his actions, he took it upon himself to eschew modern weapons in favor of the bow and arrow, his single-minded and hardworking nature allowing him to master the art by the age of 20.[2]

Abilities and Equipment[]

  • Bow and Arrow (弓矢(ゆみや), Yumiya): Unsun's primary weapon, a large bow with an angular shape. As repentance for his errors, Unsun decided to only use this old fashioned weapon instead of any modern armaments.[2]
  • The Unshot Shot (不射(ふしゃ)(しゃ), Fusha no Sha): An archery technique mastered by Unsun Sajitari at the age of 20 after intensive training. No details are given about how the technique works, though Unsun is capable of accurately hitting his target from many dozens of meters away.[2]


Appellation Japanese By
I (Sessha) 拙者 Self
Sajitari-san サジタリさん Muppet Bottle

Appellation Japanese For
I (Sessha) 拙者 Self


"The War Criminal of Sagittarius―Aiming and killing, Unsun Sajitari."
「『射手(いて)』の戦犯(せんぱん)――『(ねら)()まして(ころ)す』ウンスン・サジタリ」, "'Ite' no Senpan―'Neraisumashite Korosu' Unsun Sajitari"
—Unsun Sajitari's self-introduction, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle
"I wish for a home."
「ご住所(じゅうしょ)()しい」, "Gojūsho ga hoshii"
—Unsun Sajitari's wish
"A dish made with your hands? Even if they were my own hands, it would still be disagreeable."
「じかに()(にぎ)った()(もの)だと? 自分(じぶん)()でも(いや)でござる。」, "Jikani te de nigitta tabemono dato? Jibun no te demo iya de gozaru."
—Unsun Sajitari about onigiri, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle
"Hmm―she was a great warrior. (...) She was a great warrior―and what elegance too; to think that she'd kill me with a bird."
「うむ――(たい)した戦士(せんし)でござった(...)(たい)した戦士(せんし)でござった――まさか風流(ふうりゅう)にも、(とり)(ころ)してくれようとは」, "Umu―taishita senshi de gozatta. (...) Taishita senshi de gozatta―masaka fūryū nimo, tori de koroshitekureyō towa."
—Unsun Sajitari about Niwatori, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle
"The fact that I'm the one dying here, well, I'm glad."
「死んだのがで、まあ、よかったでござる」, "Shinda no ga de, maa, yokatta de gozaru."
—Unsun Sajitari's dying words, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle
"The War Criminal of Sagittarius―Aiming and killing, Unsun Sajitari."
「『射手(いて)』の戦犯(せんぱん)――『(ねら)って(ころ)す』ウンスン・サジタリ」, "'Ite' no Senpan―'Neratte Korosu' Unsun Sajitari"
—Unsun Sajitari's alternate self-introduction, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle
"If only war didn't exist."
戦争(せんそう)さえなければ」, "Sensō sae nakereba."
—Unsun Sajitari's true wish, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Final Battle


  • The "Sajitari" in Unsun Sajitari is phonetically similar to the word Sagittarius.
  • Unsun's real full name is phonetically similar to his alias.
  • Unsun's real last name, Usuki, means "mortar and pestle".
  • Unsun's real first name, Sashitari, is written with the kanji for "finger" and "leg".
  • The title of the chapter dedicated to Unsun Sajitari, Ninth Battle: Don't Shoot at a Laughing Face, makes reference to Sagittarius through its word choice.
  • Unsun uses the pronoun "sessha", which is an archaic humble pronoun primarily used by samurai.
  • Unsun Sajitari is shown, in two different instances, to use two slightly different wording for his way of killing in his introduction: the first one, 狙い澄まして殺す, literally means "taking careful aim and killing", while the second one, 狙って殺す, simply means "aiming and killing".
  • The name of Unsun's technique, the "Unshot Shot", may be a reference to Atsushi Nakajima's short story Legend of the Master (名人伝(めいじんでん)), in which the wording is used.


  1. Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle: Distinguished Beyond Compare
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle: Don't Shoot at a Laughing Face
  3. Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Final Battle: Fish Will Not Live in Water That Is Too Clean


Zodiac War Navigation
Novels Zodiac WarZodiac War Vs. Zodiac War
Manga Volumes Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29
Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Overseers DuodecupleNavi
Warriors Boar: InounoshishiDog: DotsukuChicken: NiwatoriMonkey: SharyuuSheep: HitsujiiHorse: UumaSnake: Younger Tatsumi BrotherDragon: Older Tatsumi BrotherRabbit: UsagiTiger: ToraOx: UshiiRat: Nezumi
War Criminals Aries: Friend SheepTaurus: Look MeGemini: Double Mind (W2222 & M2222) • Cancer: Sir CancerLeo: Dandy LionVirgo: Iron MayLibra: Baron SueScorpio: Skull PyonSagittarius: Unsun SajitariCapricorn: Go To HeavenAquarius: Muppet BottlePisces: Doctor Finish
Others Kiyoko InouMizaruIwazaruKikazaru