
"Hey, Araragi. Mind if I ask you one thing? Why in the world am I here?"

Tadatsuru Teori

Tadatsuru Teori (手折(ており) 正弦(ただつる), Teori Tadatsuru) is a character from the Monogatari Series. He is an aberration specialist, specializing in immortal aberrations, working outside of the Gaen Network. During college, he was a member of the Occult Research Club, alongside Meme Oshino, Deishuu Kaiki, Yozuru Kagenui and Izuko Gaen[1].


Tadatsuru has a very flat, frank manner of speaking, usually not showing much emotion and appearing unengaged. According to himself, he has never been a sociable person, preferring to play with dolls rather than speak to people[2]. His motivation for hunting aberrations is adhering to his own sense of aesthetics[1], although he also admits that he bears a bit of resentment towards them after becoming one himself[2]. He is willing to put others, even innocent children like Tsukihi, Karen and Suruga Kanbaru, in danger for the sake of fulfilling his own objectives[1]. The only attachment he has shown is towards Yotsugi Ononoki, whom he'd tried to get ownership of after her creation. However, the feeling doesn't seem to be mutual, as Yotsugi instead decided to become Yozuru Kagenui's partner. Even so, he doesn't resent her, wishing for his body to be destroyed by her[1]. He has mentioned that he used to be in a relationship with Yozuru, but the two split because she, a seeker of intensity, wasn't satisfied with him, the man calling it a "sad romance"[2].


Tadatsuru is a middle aged man with pale, yellowish skin, long cadet blue hair and small, sharp black eyes. He is usually shown wearing a white kimono over his bare skin, with a black sash and black cross-like shapes adorning the two sides of the lower abdomen and the upper back (the same type of pattern also appearing on Yotsugi and Yozuru's clothing). With this outfit, he also wears a white bandana on his forehead, a red pearl bracelet on his right hand and white bandages on his feet. Another outfit Tadatsuru is seen wearing is a simple white shirt and dark gray pants, with black boots and a muddy green apron.


During college, Tadatsuru was in the Occult Research Club, alongside Meme Oshino, Izuko Gaen, Deishuu Kaiki and Yozuru Kagenui. After the club decided to create the artificial aberration Yotsugi Ononoki, a fight broke out between Yozuru and Tadatsuru over who would get ownership of the girl. After the decision to let her decide of her own free will who to go with, Tadatsuru ended up being rejected. As a result, he left the group, and went on to become an independent aberration specialist, separate from Gaen's network[1].

Due to the difficulty of working in the field without Gaen's support, Tadatsuru decided to attempt the forbidden technique of turning himself into an immortal aberration. However, he failed, and ended up dying, although he can move in the world of the living using his mass-produced dolls, thus being unkillable in a sense, this secret of his being unknown to everyone aside from Izuko and Meme[2].

One day, he was approached by Meme, who informed him that someone would later come to ask him to exterminate Koyomi Araragi and Shinobu Oshino. Meme asked him to play along with the demand, but instead support Gaen's long term plan, a proposition which he accepted. Later, Meme's prediction came true, and Ougi Oshino approached Tadatsuru with a request for extermination[2].

Abilities and Equipment[]

  • Doll User: Tadatsuru, while deceased, is able to remotely control mass-produced puppets from the afterlife, effectively living through them. Although he can replace the puppets that are destroyed, it is said to be quite difficult to do so, 'reviving' thus being a taxing activity for him[2].
  • Paper Cranes: Tadatsuru's trademark. He leaves them behind as notes, and is extremely fast at folding them[1].


  • (Tadatsuru during his confrontation with Araragi) "Hey, Araragi. Mind if I ask you one thing? Why in the world am I here?"[1]
  • (Tadatsuru expressing his frustration at being used) "I can't wait anymore. I'm sick of all this. Positioned like a pawn, moved around like a pawn, and working like a pawn... I'm sick of it already."[1]
  • (Tadatsuru when Araragi asks to talk to him again someday) "If you don't mind doing so while we kill each other."[2]


  • Tadatsuru's last name, Teori, means "to pluck".
  • Tadatsuru's first name is written with the kanji for "sine", following the same pattern as Yozuru and Yotsugi.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Tsukimonogatari, Episode Body: Yotsugi Doll
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 Owarimonogatari (Part Three), Episode Five: Mayoi Hell


Monogatari Navigation
First Season 1. Bakemonogatari (Part One) • 2. Bakemonogatari (Part Two) • 3. Kizumonogatari • 4. Nisemonogatari (Part One) • 5. Nisemonogatari (Part Two) • 6. Nekomonogatari (Black)
Second Season 7. Nekomonogatari (White) • 8. Kabukimonogatari • 9. Hanamonogatari • 10. Otorimonogatari • 11. Onimonogatari • 12. Koimonogatari
Final Season 13. Tsukimonogatari • 14. Koyomimonogatari • 15. Owarimonogatari (Part One) • 16. Owarimonogatari (Part Two) • 17. Owarimonogatari (Part Three) • 18. Zoku Owarimonogatari
Off Season 19. Orokamonogatari • 20. Wazamonogatari • 21. Nademonogatari • 22. Musubimonogatari
Monster Season 23. Shinobumonogatari • 24. Yoimonogatari • 25. Amarimonogatari • 26. Ougimonogatari • 27. Shinomonogatari (Part One) • 28. Shinomonogatari (Part Two)
Manga Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3
Volume 2: Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30
Volume 5: Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40
Volume 6: Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43Chapter 44Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49
Volume 7: Chapter 50Chapter 51Chapter 52Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58
Volume 8: Chapter 59Chapter 60Chapter 61Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65Chapter 66Chapter 67
Volume 9: Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 74Chapter 75Chapter 76
Volume 10: Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79Chapter 80Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85
Volume 11: Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94
Volume 12: Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102Chapter 103
Anime Bakemonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15
Nisemonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11
Nekomonogatari Black: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Monogatari Series Second Season: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18Episode 19Episode 20Episode 21Episode 22Episode 23Episode 24Episode 25Episode 26
Hanamonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5
Tsukimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Owarimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Koyomimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Kizumonogatari: Iron-Blooded ChapterHot-Blooded ChapterCold-Blooded Chapter
Owarimonogatari Season Two: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7
Zoku Owarimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6
Other Heroine Books: Heroine Book #1Heroine Book #2Heroine Book #3Heroine Book #4Heroine Book #5Heroine Book #6Heroine Book #7Heroine Book #8
Guidebooks: Bakemonogatari Anime Complete GuidebookNisemonogatari Anime Complete Guidebook
Others: MazemonogatariMonogatari Series Puc Puc
Characters & World
Araragi Family Koyomi AraragiKaren AraragiTsukihi AraragiMother Araragi
Naoetsu Private Academy Faculty: Komichi TetsujouYoshikiShimaIrinakaHoshinaHarukami
Year One Seniors: Koyomi AraragiHitagi SenjougaharaTsubasa HanekawaSodachi Oikura
Year One Juniors: Suruga KanbaruSeiu Higasa
Year One Freshmen: Ougi Oshino
Year Two Seniors: Suruga KanbaruSeiu Higasa
Year Two Juniors: Ougi OshinoAburi HonnouMisago KanguuSouwa Kiseki
Year Two Freshmen: Kie HarimazeKyoumi Kuchimoto
Year Two Alumni: Koyomi AraragiMitono ShounouReika MayokoNikawa UmikawaSylvia CiviaSeika OokiHibari Beniguchi
Former Class 1-3 Students: 1. Keiri Ashine • 2. Koyomi Araragi • 3. Biwa Arikure • 4. Michisada Igami • 5. Kyuusu Ukitobi • 6. Sodachi Oikura • 7. Enji Kikigoe • 8. Hoka Kijikiri • 9. Aizu Kube • 10. Nageki Gekizaka • 11. Sousho Koudou • 12. Okitada Kouma • 13. Ayazute Shinaniwa • 14. Tsuuma Shuui • 15. Juudo Shuzawa • 16. Kokushi Suuchi • 17. Ruise Sunahama • 18. Hitagi Senjougahara • 19. Kiichigo Daino • 20. Jiku Toune • 21. Suisen Toishima • 22. Chouka Nagagutsu • 23. Roka Haga • 24. Seiko Hayamachi • 25. Sekirou Higuma • 26. Jouro Hishigata • 27. Shimono Fukadoo • 28. Tenko Fukuishi • 29. Shijima Fudou • 30. Sakaatsu Fuyunami • 31. Kabe Madomura • 32. Hyoui Marizumi • 33. Meibi Mizaki • 34. Miawa Mebe • 35. Shokunori Yuba • 36. Shoukei Yoki • 37. Shitsue Waritori
Nanahyakuichi Middle School Faculty: Sasayabu
Students: Nadeko SengokuKoyomi AraragiSodachi OikuraSunshi SajouNakuna
Gaen Family Suruga GaenIzuko GaenTooe GaenUroko Gaen
Specialists Gaen Network Members: Izuko GaenMeme OshinoDeishuu KaikiYozuru KagenuiYotsugi Ononoki
Other Specialists: Tadatsuru TeoriSeishirou ShishiruiEpisodeDramaturgyGuillotinecutter
Hearsay Police Department Koyomi AraragiZenka SuouNozomi KizashimaMitome SaizakiTsuzura Kouga
Other Police Officers: Karen Araragi
Manase National University Koyomi AraragiMeniko HamukaiHitagi SenjougaharaSodachi OikuraHagoromo Iezumi
Beniguchi Family Kujaku BeniguchiHibari BeniguchiMikiyoshi BeniguchiToyoko Beniguchi
Abberations Vampires: Kissshot Acerolaorion HeartunderbladeDeathtopia Virtuoso SuicidemasterTropicalesque Homeawave DogstringsHighwaistLowriseDramaturgyEpisodeSeishirou ShishiruiKie Harimaze
Shikigami: Yotsugi OnonokiNoise NadekoFlirty NadekoReverse NadekoGod Nadeko
Other Oddity Characters: Mayoi HachikujiOugi OshinoBlack HanekawaTsukihi AraragiTadatsuru TeoriRouka NumachiZenka SuouNozomi KizashimaMitome Saizaki
Other Oddities: Weight CrabLost CowRainy DevilJagirinawaMeddlecatCinderswarm BeeDying BirdHysteria TigerJiangshiKuchinawa
Shishikurasaki High School Sodachi OikuraAmiko YurugaseLily SuzubayashiNorika KyakufujiYuuhei HashimuraAyakari HatamotoEritari KirikiBouto Odorima
Others Father SenjougaharaFather HachikujiHakobe CoupleRouka HanadoriThe Old WitchCorpse KingDojo MasterIie IezumiOchiba JourakuRan HokkyokuseiJoukaSui
Locations In Naoetsu Town: Naoetsu Private AcademyNanahyakuichi Middle SchoolEikou Cram SchoolTsuganoki 2nd Middle SchoolNamishiro ParkNorth Shirahebi ShrineHaruya BookstoreMister DonutAraragi ResidenceTsunade ResidenceOikura ResidenceHanekawa ResidenceSengoku ResidenceHachikuji ResidenceTamikura Apartments
Other Locations: Corpse CastleHellRoute X