
"I’m NoiSe. It's an old WOrd from BriTAIN meanIng interFerence. The eleVENth step of the THIRteen StairS."


Noise (ノイズ, Noizu), also known as Discord (不協和音(ふきょうわおん), Fukyōwaon), formerly known as Harrier (ハリア, Haria), Gunky (グンキ, Gunki), And (アンド, Ando), and Number Nineteen (十九号(じゅうきゅうごう), Jūkyūgō), is an antagonist of the Zaregoto Series. He is the Eleventh Step of the Thirteen Stairs as well as a nameless individual, much like that of the Nonsense User.[1]


Noise has an eccentric manner of speaking, talking in a strangely high-pitched voice with broken words. He appears to be calm and composed, taking control of the conversation during his first confrontation with the Nonsense User. Although he never discloses his reason for joining the Thirteen Stairs, he does show loyalty to Takashi Saitou, following the man's orders as instructed. He appears confrontational towards the Nonsense User, declaring that he would "make him scream". He seems to be acquainted with his fellow Step, Nureginu Yamiguchi, however the details of their relationship are unknown. When asked by the Nonsense User what it's like to have no name, Noise confesses that he "feels like dying", which is the only time during the entire conversation that he showed any particular emotion.[1]



Noise appears to be a young boy of middle school age with long, wavy hair and light colored eyes (often interpreted as either blonde or light blue). He's shown wearing a short-sleeved, white shirt over a yellow T-shirt and black pants which are most likely part of a middle school uniform. He also has shoes with a target design on them, a pair of square glasses with transparent rims, big cordless headphones and a ship captain's hat with the same target-like design as his shoes for its emblem.


Noise's background before joining the Thirteen Stairs is largely unknown, though he claims that before he was called "Noise", he was called "And". Before which, he was called "Gunky", and before that, "Harrier", and before that, "Number 19", and before that, he wasn't called anything. Takashi recruited him into his organization in order to combat the Nonsense User.[1] During their arrival to Sumiyuri Academy, Jun Aikawa hit Noise with her car, incapacitating him and forcing him to retire from the battle.[2]

Abilities and Equipment[]

  • Nameless: Unlike the other members, Noise was recruited into the Thirteen Stairs specifically to combat the Nonsense User. Looking into his past incidents, Takashi realized that the only case Iichan hadn't managed to solve by himself was his first, the case on Wet Crow's Feather Island. He concluded that it was because the culprit in that incident didn't have any name of her own. Thus, he made Noise his ally, someone who the Nonsense User wouldn't be able to defeat.[1]


"I’m NoiSe. It's an old WOrd from BriTAIN meanIng interFerence. The eleVENth step of the THIRteen StairS."
「ボクはノイズ──こいつはイギリスに(ふる)くからある言葉(ことば)で、《雑音(ざつおん)》という意味(いみ)ダ。《十三階段(じゅうさんかいだん)》の、十一段目(じゅういちだんめ)」, "Boku wa Noizu─koitsu wa igirizu ni furukukara aru kotoba de, 'zatsuon' toiu imi da. 'Jūsan Kaidan' no, jūichidanme."
—Noise's self introduction, Uprooted Radical (Part One), Act Five
"But Noise is just soMEthing that Mr. Fox attached to me haphAZardly because he neeDed to take a NOte, a sYmbol for the sake of a symBOL. Before that, I was caLLed And. BeFOre that, GunKy. Before that, HArrier. Before thAT, NUMber Nineteen. BEfore that... I wasn't called anYthing. Hey, Ii-chaN. Does your SO-called nonsense worK against someone who DOesn't have a NAme?"
「しかしノイズってのは、(きつね)サンが適当(てきとう)に、メモを()るときに必要(ひつよう)だかラって理由(りゆう)でつけてくれた記号(きごう)としての記号(きごう)でネ──それ以前(いぜん)はボクはアンドと()ばれていた。その(まえ)はグンキ。その(まえ)はハリア。その(まえ)十九号(じゅうきゅうごう)。その(まえ)は──(なん)とも()ばれていなかった。ネエ、《いーちゃん》……あんたのいうところの戯言(ざれごと)って奴は名前(なまえ)のない相手(あいて)にも(つう)じるのカイ?」, "Shikashi Noizu tte no wa, Kitsune-san ga tekitō ni, memo wo toru toki ni hitsuyō dakara tte riyū de tsuketekureta kigō toshite no kigō de ne─sore izen wa boku wa Ando to yobareteita. Sono mae wa Kingu. Sono mae wa Haria. Sono mae wa Jūkyūgō. Sono mae wa─nantomo yobareteinakatta. Nee, 'Iichan'... anta no iu tokoro no zaregoto tte yatsu wa namae no nai aite ni mo tsūjiru no kai?"
—Noise to the Nonsense User, Uprooted Radical (Part One), Act Five
"It’s so Obvious that you don’t eVEN need to ask, there’s ONly one anSwer. I feeL like DYing."
「んなもん、()うまでもなく(ひら)くまでもなく、(こたえ)一個(いっこ)()まってンダろうがヨ──()にたい気分(きぶん)だ」, "Nnamon, iu made mo naku kiku made mo naku, kotae wa ikko ni kimattendarō ga yo─shinitai kibun da."
—Noise when asked what it's like to have no name, Uprooted Radical (Part One), Act Five


  • In the original Japanese text, when Noise speaks, he replaces some words that would normally be in hiragana with katakana, leading to his strange speech pattern.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Uprooted Radical (Part One), Act Five: The Warmth of Skin
  2. Uprooted Radical (Part One), Act Seven: Declaration of War


Zaregoto Navigation
Zaregoto Series 1. Decapitation Cycle • 2. Strangulation Romanticist • 3. Hanging High School • 4. Psycho Logical (Part One) • 5. Psycho Logical (Part Two) • 6. Cannibal Magical • 7. Uprooted Radical (Part One) • 8. Uprooted Radical (Part Two) • 9. Uprooted Radical (Part Three)
Ningen Series 1. Human Exam • 2. Human Knock • 3. Human Character • 4. Human Relations (Part One) • 5. Human Relations (Part Two) • 6. Human Relations (Part Three) • 7. Human Relations (Part Four)
Saikyou Series 1. The First Love of Humanity's Strongest • 2. The Pure Love of Humanity's Strongest • 3. The Heartbeat of Humanity's Strongest • 4. The Sweetheart of Humanity's Strongest • 5. The Venice of Humanity's Strongest
Manga Soushiki Zerozaki's Human Exam:
Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3
Volume 2: Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8
Volume 3: Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13
Volume 4: Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18
Volume 5: Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Special Chapter
Kishishiki Zerozaki's Human Knock:
Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10
Volume 3: Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17
Volume 4: Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24
Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 2Episode 2Episode 3 • • Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8
Other Zaregoto Dictional
Antique Apartment Nonsense UserMiiko AsanoHouko YamiguchiMoeta IshinagiIchihime YukarikiNanami NanananamiKoutoumaru HayabusaUkigumo
Rokumeikan University Nonsense UserMikoko AoiiTomoe EmotoMuimi AtemiyaAkiharu UsamiYashigeMinayamaYoshimasaMarchen
ER3 System Seven Fools: Akane SonoyamaGazelle InparaMiyori JikumotoCoffee TableHewlettFraulein Love
MS-2: Takashi SaitouAkira KajouJunya AikawaKokoromi MiyoshiPuniko YuigahamaMagokoro Omokage
Others: Nonsense User
Saitou Clinic Yaku KigamineKuchiha MadokaTakashi Saitou
Saitou Family Jun AikawaTakashi SaitouJun SaitouKengo SaitouMasami Saitou
Police Sasaki SasaKazuhito Ikaruga
Mutou Family Iori MutouKengo MutouHatsubame MutouHirofumi MutouMiharu Mutou
Others Kouta IshimaruNeon SuzunashiGenki HimenaRabumi KatanashiUsagi SaganoKouo HitsujisawaJion TsugeYasumichi KagawaKurahiko KitadaMayumi KouzukiMadoka KajinoHiroasa MasaguchiYoruko OrihamaRikuyuki IkehashiHaruka HarunaControllerSouko KurashimaTaeka KandouTokuhiko SawagishiMuri Atemiya
RULE Ilia AkagamiOdette AkagamiNoa OrigamiToromi NagatoroHikari ChigaAkari ChigaTeruko ChigaRei Handa
Wet Crow's Feather Island Kanami IbukiAkane SonoyamaShinya SakakiMaki HimenaYayoi SashironoMiyori Jikumoto
Sumiyuri Academy Ichihime YukarikiShiogi HagiharaTamamo SaijouYuma ShiseiKeikiRokaAmiShuki
Kunagisa Organization Tomo KunagisaNao KunagisaDouji KasumiokaShikaba Shikabane
Shadou Research Institute Kyouichirou ShadouMisachi UzeShito OogakiHinayoshi KoutariFuruara NeoKokoromi MiyoshiKasuga KasugaiGaisuke Utsurigi
Killing Names Niounomiya: Rizumu NiounomiyaIzumu NiounomiyaFragmentHawatari SawarabiNaguma SawarabiYumiya SawarabiTakami MiotsukushiMisora MiotsukushiParesu AgemakiSaera AgemakiRoudo AgemakiWaka Wakamurasaki
Yamiguchi: Houko YamiguchiHyoui YamiguchiNureginu Yamiguchi
Zerozaki: Hitoshiki ZerozakiSoushiki ZerozakiKishishiki ZerozakiMagashiki ZerozakiJoushiki ZerozakiMaiori ZerozakiZeroshiki ZerozakiHataori Zerozaki
Ishinagi: Moeta IshinagiToishi Ishinagi
Cursing Names Tokinomiya: Jikoku TokinomiyaTokei TokinomiyaShigure TokinomiyaJishin Tokinomiya
Tsumiguchi: Tsumiyuki TsumiguchiTsumina Tsumiguchi
Kino: Raichi KinoKichi KinoDaichi Kino
Others: Nukemichi NukumoriShimetsu ShibukiTogari Toganagi
Thirteen Stairs 1. Akira Kajou • 2. Konomi Ichirizuka • 3. Sonoki Emoto • 4. Kudan Utage • 5. Zukin Furuyari the 12th • 6. Jikoku Tokinomiya • 7. Rurero Migishita • 8. Nureginu Yamiguchi • 9. Misora Miotsukushi • 10. Takami Miotsukushi • 11. Noise • 12. Raichi Kino • 13. Magokoro Omokage
Former: Rizumu NiounomiyaIzumu NiounomiyaZukin Furuyari the 11th
Kitsuregawa Research Institute Motsure KitsuregawaHotsure KitsuregawaMatsuri ShimegiwaFureai
Naoki Three Musketeers Hienma NaokiDorotabou NaokiEnenra NaokiShichininmisaki Naoki
Others Kajumaru RikkaKojika HanamakiMifuri SanjuusangendouNifuri Sanjuusangendou
Locations TaiyakujimaCrash Classic
Team Gaisuke UtsurigiSuzu HinemosuSeigo GotodorokiMutsuki MunefuyuHakuraku NadekiriHyou AyaminamiKishiki ShikigishiTouno ShigaiTomo Kunagisa
Non-humans Extraterrestrials: SeethroughStones
Deep Sea Creatures: SamersDraggybag
Others 10 Year Old ChildLord of the Island