
"The War Criminal of Aquarius―Killing wetly, Muppet Bottle."

Muppet Bottle

Muppet Bottle (マペット・ボトル, Mapetto Botoru), real name Thomas B. Tholls (トーマス・B・トールズ, Tōmasu B Tōruzu), is an antagonist of Zodiac War. He is the War Criminal of Aquarius (『水瓶(みずがめ)』の戦犯(せんぱん), "Mizugame" no Senpan), part of the war criminals of the twelve western zodiac signs[1].


Muppet Bottle is a calm and methodical person, carefully considering his plan of action and trying to minimize risk as much as possible[2]. He appears to be a fairly humble person, downplaying his own victory against Niwatori[3], though he can also be very frank at times, directly telling Skull Pyon that he doesn't like having to rely on them[2]. Though he originally sought the glory of a warrior, he was willing to undertake many underhanded tactics in order to escape punishment for his own crimes, including those that endanger many innocent lives. He appears to miss the time of his childhood, having ended up much different from how he'd envisioned, which is why he values his raincoat as a memento and always has it on him[4]. Like all the other war criminals, he hates war, and was willing to sacrifice his own life for the sake of eradicating it, regardless of the war's outcome[5].


Muppet Bottle is a tall and slim man with small, thin sanpaku eyes with bags under them, and long, straight black hair. He is shown wearing white raincoat with the hood over his head, above a baggy white top and pants. He wears long white rubber boots with a pattern of two zig-zagging lines going around them. A long teal-colored rubber hose is draped over his body, wrapped around his torso and right leg, tied to a metallic water bucket which Muppet Bottle carries around.


As a young boy, he was inspired by the twelve warriors of the eastern zodiac signs, and wanted to risk his own life to gain heroic status. However, he was born in a region with a political vacuum, and had no opportunities to fight or play an active role. Tired of seemingly pointless training, he decided to take matters into his own hands and began to engage in serial arson disguised as enemy attacks. At the same time, making use of his disguise abilities, he would put the fires out himself, lauded in the newspapers as a miraculous fireman. Not satisfied, he continued setting bigger and bigger fires, until one day he made a mistake and failed to extinguish the blaze of his own making, reducing his entire hometown to ashes. In order to cover up his own crimes, he collapsed the erosion control dam, causing the entire political vacuum region to sink to the bottom of a lake. This concealment went unnoticed for a long time, but after the end of the war, the victorious country launched an investigation and uncovered his past evils. At this time, Muppet Bottle was working at a water purification facility in a separate third country, and in order to shake off agents from his home nation, he poisoned the water supply that was being exported to other countries[4].

Abilities & Equipment[]

  • Water Control (水操(みずあやつ)る, Mizu Ayatsuru): Muppet Bottle's special ability.
Water Control (水操(みずあやつ)る, Mizu Ayatsuru)
MuppetBottleLiquidControl Debut: Zodiac War, Third Battle
Type: Miscellaneous
Effect: Manipulation of Water

Muppet Bottle is capable of controlling water, as well as other liquids such as gasoline, liquid nitrogen[1] or blood[2]. His manipulation includes evaporation and volatilization[1], as well as control of water pressure. He is seemingly capable of setting traps ahead of time, ensnaring Niwatori with a trap prepared in the ocean ahead of time on Sir Cancer's orders[3]. The range of Muppet Bottle's ability varies wildly depending on the situation, being capable of manipulating the contents of the Tatsumi brothers weapons from a large distance away[1], but only able to manipulate blood with direct contact with his opponent[2].

  • Raincoat (レインコート, Reinkōto): A white raincoat which Muppet Bottle always wears. It is fireproof, a memento of his childhood and his time as a fireman, and he cannot separate himself from it.


Appellation Japanese By
I (Ore) Self

Appellation Japanese For
I (Ore) Self
Sajitari-san サジタリさん Unsun Sajitari


"The War Criminal of Aquarius―Killing wetly, Muppet Bottle."
「『水瓶(みずがめ)』の戦犯(せんぱん)――『ウエットに(ころ)す』マペット・ボトル」, "'Mizugame' no Senpan―'Wetto ni Korosu' Mapetto Botoru"
—Muppet Bottle's self-introduction, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle
"I wish for water."
(みず)()しい」, "Mizu ga hoshii"
—Muppet Bottle's wish
"If the target is too big, striking it is all the more difficult. Just like it's hard to consciously realize that the ocean is a huge, immense body of water."
(おお)()ぎるには、(かえ)って()()てにくいようなものですよ。『(うみ)』が、巨大(きょだい)膨大(ぼうだい)な『(みず)』だと、なかなか意識(いしき)できるものではないように」, "Ooki sugiru niwa, kaette ya wo hate nikui youna mono desu yo. "Umi" ga, kyodai de bōdai na "mizu" da to, nakanaka ishiki dekiru mono dewanai youni."
—Muppet Bottle talking about his ability, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle
"It's not sarcasm. I'm crying about having to rely on you. My tears are weapons, though."
皮肉(ひにく)どころか。あなたが(たよ)りだと、(おれ)()(ごと)()っているんですよ。(おれ)(なみだ)武器(びき)ですがね」, "Hiniku dokoro ka. Anata ga tayori da to, ore wa nakigoto wo itteirundesu yo. Ore no namida wa buki desu ga ne."
—Muppet Bottle to Skull Pyon, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Tenth Battle
"If only war didn't exist."
戦争(せんそう)さえなければ」, "Sensō sae nakereba."
—Muppet Bottle's true wish, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Final Battle


  • Muppet Bottle's name contains the word "bottle", which points to the Japanese word for Aquarius, literally translated as "water jug".
  • The title of the chapter dedicated to Muppet Bottle, Eleventh Battle: The Autumn Sun Sets as Quickly as a Bucket Dropping into a Well, is a Japanese proverb which contains the kanji 瓶, meaning "bottle" or "jar", one of the two kanji in the Japanese word for Aquarius.
    • Muppet Bottle never actually appears in the chapter titled after him, having been dispatched in the previous chapter, which is named after Go To Heaven.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle: Distinguished Beyond Compare
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Tenth Battle: Wear Goat's Horns
  3. 3.0 3.1 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Ninth Battle: Don't Shoot at a Laughing Face
  4. 4.0 4.1 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Eleventh Battle: The Autumn Sun Sets as Quickly as a Bucket Dropping into a Well
  5. Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Final Battle: Fish Will Not Live in Water That Is Too Clean


Zodiac War Navigation
Novels Zodiac WarZodiac War Vs. Zodiac War
Manga Volumes Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29
Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Overseers DuodecupleNavi
Warriors Boar: InounoshishiDog: DotsukuChicken: NiwatoriMonkey: SharyuuSheep: HitsujiiHorse: UumaSnake: Younger Tatsumi BrotherDragon: Older Tatsumi BrotherRabbit: UsagiTiger: ToraOx: UshiiRat: Nezumi
War Criminals Aries: Friend SheepTaurus: Look MeGemini: Double Mind (W2222 & M2222) • Cancer: Sir CancerLeo: Dandy LionVirgo: Iron MayLibra: Baron SueScorpio: Skull PyonSagittarius: Unsun SajitariCapricorn: Go To HeavenAquarius: Muppet BottlePisces: Doctor Finish
Others Kiyoko InouMizaruIwazaruKikazaru