
The 1st Box: I Call the Student Council to Action ((だい)(はこ) 生徒会(せいとかい)執行(しっこう)する, Dai 1 Hako: Seitokai o Shikkōsuru) is the first chapter of the Medaka Box manga series and its first arc, the Student Council Executive arc, written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Akira Akatsuki. It was collected in the first volume.


Hansode Shiranui
Zenkichi Hitoyoshi
Nengi Nakatsu
Konkei Yufuin
Mokuyou Tosu
Mari Imari
Zen Ureshino
Seijaku Ibusuki

*Note: Bold = First Appearance


During her acceptance speech as the new student council president of Hakoniwa Academy, Medaka Kurokami announces the establishment of the suggestion box, where students can send their issues or concerns at any time.

Meda1 1

In the 1-1 classroom, as everyone chats about Medaka, Hansode Shiranui and Zenkichi Hitoyoshi chat about her aptitudes, with a seemingly fed-up Zenkichi resolutely announcing that he wouldn't join student council, only to then realize that Medaka was standing behind him during his declaration, mimicking his pose, immediately dragging him with her afterwards. Habataki Hyuuga then asks Shiranui what the relation between Zenkichi and Medaka is, the small girl explaining that they are childhood friends, opining that it's a fairly unhealthy relationship.

In the student council room, as Zenkichi airs off his grievances about the girl's selfish nature, Medaka casually undresses, leading to him embarrassedly yelling at her. Medaka, unperturbed, explains that she doesn't want him to join the council to help her with a job, but merely because she wants him by her side. She then tells him that her suggestion box already received a request, namely to get rid of the delinquent third-years occupying the kendo hall.

Meda1 2

Arriving at the kendo hall, after Medaka introduces herself to the delinquents, Mahibi Moji, their leader, proudly announces that he was among the 2% to vote against her in the elections, pointing his wooden sword at her, which she instantly swipes from his hand before he can react. In response, he orders the rest of his goons to surround her, to which Medaka confidently runs to each of them at high speed, appearing as if she's cloning herself, and snatching the cigarette packs from them and admonishing them for smoking. She then showcases one of the proofs of her worth, "preaching to the lesser mortals", as she assumes the third-year boys to have gone through some tragic trauma that led to their delinquency, vowing to set them on the right path through a rigorous training regimen.

The next day, Shiranui and Zenkichi are chatting, Shiranui calling Zenkichi an idiot for going along with Medaka. Zenkichi talks about Medaka's thought process and past actions, the girl being unable to understand that others cannot accomplish the same things she does. As he finishes his recounting of a past anecdote, he says that it's unlikely the delinquents will ever set foot near the kendo hall again, to which Shiranui admonishes Zenkichi for not understanding that Medaka wouldn't give up on the boys like that. Hearing them talk, Hyuuga is frustrated at finding out that the punks might still occupy the hall, and storms off before Zenkichi could notice.

Meda1 3

Frustrated at Shiranui's comment that he might not understand Medaka as well as he believes he does, Zenkichi angrily walks to the kendo hall to find it in an immaculate state, Medaka having just finishes cleaning it and admonishing both him and the yet unarrived third years for being late. Zenkichi questions why she would bother helping them, to which she exclaims that helping strangers is what she was born to do, and admonishes Zenkichi for referring to the delinquents in a dismissive manner, listing off all of their names. As Zenkichi angrily tries to storm out, he runs into the third-year boys, dressed in their kendo practice garb, who declare that they won't let themselves be reformed by Medaka, the girl confidently accepting their challenge. Walking away, Zenkichi thinks that he was mistaken and that there's no way Medaka would need him by her side. Then, he is smacked in the head with a wooden sword by Hyuuga, losing consciousness, as the attacker exclaims that he shouldn't have counted on the student council with his request, and that "there's no point in cultivating weeds".

On her way to a speech, Medaka converses with Shiranui, who asks what came of the kendo hall incident. After explaining the outcome, Medaka briefly wonders who would have sent the request in the first place, but dismisses it. However, Shiranui then explains that it was Hyuuga who put the request forward, and that he was a violent man all throughout middle school, and then requests something of Medaka.

Meda1 4

Hyuuga is shown attacking the third-years in the kendo hall, defeating all of them and explaining that he went to a high school with a disbanded kendo club because he hated dealing with club hierarchies, but hadn't expected to end up reviving the kendo club when he put his request in the suggestion box. In response, the battered delinquents, remembering Medaka's kindness, claim that they actually used to love kendo at some point, standing up to the mocking Hyuuga, who goes to attack them, but is stopped by Zenkichi. Hyuuga yells that Zenkichi should agree that he is correct, and Zenkichi does, but then claims that Medaka is "more right", explaining that he knows that she has always been right, and will not forgive anyone who stands in the way of her justice. Hyuuga tries to attack Zenkichi, but Zenkichi punches him in the face, sending him flying.

Meda1 5

Wobbling away, Hyuuga plots his revenge when he realizes that Medaka is standing right behind him, having sent Shiranui to be a replacement for her in the meeting. She reveals that Shiranui asked of her to fix his bad personality, and as she assumes the best of him as well, she declares that she will give him all of her affection.

Zenkichi describes the outcome, stating that Hyuuga ended up falling for Medaka and joining the delinquents in the kendo club. As he swings by the council room, he sees a flowerpot, and upon asking Medaka about it, she explains that for each completed request, she will add one flower, and that it is her dream to look in the room and see nothing but blooming flowers. When Zenkichi asks why she's so set on him, Medaka explains that as childhood friends, they are the ones that understand each other best, and blushing, Zenkichi finally accepts the invitation into the student council, and as thanks, Medaka warmly embraces him. Zenkichi ponders that it would have always ended up like this, admitting to himself that he is in love with Medaka. He then notes that he was given the rank of general affairs manager, the lowest rank of the student council.


Do you find the world merely average? Does the future bore you? Are you just getting by? Relax! Even then, life is epic! And to that end, as of today, I am your student council president. School work, love life, family situation and even any personal issues... You should submit your woes to the suggestion box without hesitation. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, I will take on anyone's issues!!
世界(せかい)平凡(へいぼん)か? 未来(みらい)退屈(たいくつ)か? 現実(げんじつ)適当(てきとう)か? 安心(あんしん)しろ。それでも()きることは劇的(げきてき)だ! そんなわけで本日(ほんじつ)よりこの(わたし)貴様達(きさまたち)生徒会長(せいとかいちょう)だ。学業(がくぎょう)恋愛(れんあい)家庭(かてい)労働(ろうどう)自生活(じせいかつ)(いた)るまで(なや)みごとがあれば(まよ)わず目安箱(めやすばこ)投書(とうしょ)するがよい。24時間(じかん)365(にち)(わたし)(だれ)からの相談(そうだん)でも()けつける‼, Sekai wa heibon ka? Mirai wa taikutsu ka? Genjitsu wa tekitō ka? Anshin shiro. Soredemo ikirukoto wa gekiteki da! Sonna wake de honjitsu yori kono watashi ga kisama-tachi no seitokaichō da. Gakugyō, renai, katei, rōdō, shiseikatsu ni itaru made nayamigoto ga areba mayowazu meyasubako ni tōsho suru ga yoi. 24 jikan, 365 nichi, watashi wa dare kara no sōdan demo uketsukeru!!
Medaka Kurokami's speech announcing the suggestion box
Not once in my life have I ever found a job challenging. However, I need you! All I want is for you to be by my side!
(わたし)仕事(しごと)がキツいと(おも)ったことなど()まれてこのかた一度(いちど)もない。(わたし)貴様(きさま)必要(ひつよう)だからそばにいてほしいだけなのだ。, Watashi wa shigoto ga kitsui to omotta koto nado umarete kono kata ichido mo nai. Watashi ni kisama ga hitsuyō dakara soba ni ite hoshii dake nanoda!
Medaka Kurokami to Zenkichi Hitoyoshi
Ah... I've heard of you. The chick president who's gone mad with power, right? I'm surprised to see you'd bring yourself all the way out here! You might have got 98% of the votes or something, but I should tell you... I was the one who got the remaining 2%!!
あー...()いてんぜ。(いま)をときめくイカれた新会長(しんかいちょう)って(やつ)だろ? こんなところにお()でになるとは(おどろ)きだな! 支持率(しじりつ)98(パー)だか(なん)だか()らねーが。生憎俺(あいにくおれ)らは(のこ)り2(パー)(ほう)だぜ‼, Aa... Kiiten ze. Ima wo tokimeku ikareta shinkaichō tte yatsu daro? Konna tokoro ni oideninaru to wa odoroki dana! Shijiritsu 98% daka nandaka shiranē ga. Ainiku orera wa nokori 2% no hō daze!!
—Mahibi's first words to Medaka Kurokami
We may be a bunch of lowlives, but don't you dare confuse us for cowards. As if we'd give this place up if we were beaten to a pulp! I'll tell you now but you'll never reform us! If you think you can then just try it!!
それにお(おれ)らろくでなしだけどよ、ハンパな(やつ)とそーじゃない(やつ)区別(くべつ)くらいはつくんだよ。つーかこんなボロボロにされて()()がれるか! ()っとくけど(おれ)絶対更生(ぜったいこうせい)なんかしねーからな! できるもんならやってみろコラァッ‼, Soreni orera rokudenashi dakedo yo, hanpa na yatsu to sōjanai yatsu no kubetsu kurai wa tsukundayo. Tsūka konna boroboro ni sarete hikisagareru ka! Ittoku kedo orera zettai kōsei nanka shinē kara na! dekiru mon nara yattemiro koraa!!
—Mahibi's declaration to Medaka Kurokami
Who the hell cultivates weeds!? Damn idiots!
雑草育(ざっそうそだ)ててどうすんだよ? アホが!, Zassō sodatete dō sundayo? Aho ga!
—Habataki after knocking Zenkichi Hitoyoshi out
Me? I'm just a serious first year. I want to do kendo seriously. I'm a seriously serious man. But please do hear me out! I'm not good at group activities and especially not club hierarchies. Always having to be nice to my seniors, always having to keep up the act.
(ぼく)? (ぼく)真面目(まじめ)一年生(いちねんせい)ですよ。真面目(まじめ)剣道(けんどう)がしたい。真面目(まじめ)真面目(まじめ)(おとこ)です。だけど()いてくださいよ! (ぼく)団体行動(だんたいこうどう)とか上下関係(じょうげかんけい)とか苦手(にがて)でしてね。先輩(せんぱい)とか顧問(こもん)とかと()めて、いっつもボコっちゃうんですよ。, Boku? Boku wa majime na ichinensei desu yo. Majime ni kendō ga shitai. Majime de majime na otoko desu. Dakedo kiitekudasai yo! Boku, dantai kōdō toka jōge kankei toka nigate deshite ne. Senpai toka komon toka to momete, ittsumo bokocchaundesuyo.
—Habataki's self introduction to Mahibi Moji after defeating him
Dpn't go running your mouth as you please. I just remembered... I used to be passionate about kendo too!!
勝手なこと吠えてんじゃねぇよ。たった今、思い出したわ。俺は昔、剣道少年だったんだよ‼, Katte na koto hoetenjanē yo. Tatta ima, omoidashta wa. Ore wa mukashi, kendō shōnen dattanda yo!!
—Mahibi's to Habataki Hyuuga
Once upon a time I was aiming to be Japan's greatest swordsman. I think.
(おれ)なんか日本一(にほんいち)剣士目指(けんしめざ)してた。()がする, Ore nanka nihon ichi no kenshi mezashiteta. Kigasuru.
—Kyousai to Habataki Hyuuga
Do you know what a 3rd dan in kendo means!? It means that I'm three times stronger than all of you!!
剣道三倍段(けんどうさんばいだん)って()ってっか⁉ (ぼく)はあんたらの3倍強(ばいつよ)いって意味(いみ)だ‼, Kendō sanbai dan tte shittekka!? Boku wa antara no 3 bai tsuyoi tte imi da!!
—Habataki's taunt


Medaka Box Navigation
Manga Volumes One-Shot
Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7
Volume 2: Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16
Volume 3: Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Volume 4: Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34
Volume 5: Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43
Volume 6: Chapter 44Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49Chapter 50Chapter 51Chapter 52
Volume 7: Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58Chapter 59Chapter 60Chapter 61
Volume 8: Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65Chapter 66Chapter 67Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70
Volume 9: Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 75Chapter 76Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79
Volume 10: Chapter 80Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88
Volume 11: Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97
Volume 12: Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102Chapter 103Chapter 104Chapter 105Chapter 106
Volume 13: Chapter 107Chapter 108Chapter 109Chapter 110Chapter 111Chapter 112Chapter 113Chapter 114Chapter 115
Volume 14: Chapter 116Chapter 117Chapter 118Chapter 119Chapter 120Chapter 121Chapter 122Chapter 123Chapter 124
Volume 15: Chapter 125Chapter 126Chapter 127Chapter 128Chapter 129Chapter 130Chapter 130Chapter 131Special Chapter
Volume 16: Chapter 132Chapter 133Chapter 134Chapter 135Chapter 136Chapter 137Chapter 138Chapter 139Chapter 140
Volume 17: Chapter 141Chapter 142Chapter 143Chapter 144Chapter 145Chapter 146Chapter 148Chapter 149
Volume 18: Chapter 150Chapter 151Chapter 152Chapter 153Chapter 154Chapter 155Chapter 156Chapter 157Chapter 158
Volume 19: Chapter 159Chapter 160Chapter 161Chapter 162Chapter 163Chapter 164Chapter 165Chapter 166Chapter 167
Volume 20: Chapter 168Chapter 169Chapter 170Chapter 171Chapter 172Chapter 173Chapter 174Chapter 175Chapter 176
Volume 21: Chapter 177Chapter 178Chapter 179Chapter 180Chapter 181Chapter 182Chapter 183Chapter 184Chapter 185
Volume 22: Chapter 186Chapter 187Chapter 188Chapter 189Chapter 190Chapter 191Chapter 191Chapter 192Special Chapter 2
Light Novels Medaka Box Novels: Messhi Kuguhara's Ravenous Rule and Sanagi Naginoura's Forced VoteRichigi Eburi's False Modesty and Shikii Mukueda's Trash Manifestation
Medaka Box Gaiden Novels: Suisou Is Full of Wriggling BrainsThe Zugzwang of Suisou Management
Others: Medaka Box Juvenile: Novel Version
Anime Season One: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Season Two: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Others Medaka Box Complete Guidebook
Concepts AbnormalityStyleNot Equal
Faculty Hakama ShiranuiMaguro KurokamiMesshi KuguharaSanagi NaginouraRichigi EburiShikii Mukueda
Hakoniwa Student Council Medaka's Student Council: President: Medaka Kurokami • Vice President: Misogi Kumagawa • Treasurer: Mogana Kikaijima • Secretary: Kouki Akune • General Affairs Manager: Zenkichi Hitoyoshi
Stand-in Student Council: Vice President: Kuudou Hinokage • Treasurer: Hitomi Hitoyoshi • Secretary: Youka NazeItami Koga
Zenkichi's Student Council: President: Zenkichi Hitoyoshi • Vice President: Youka Naze • Treasurer: Mukae Emukae • Secretary: Shori Wanizuka • General Affairs Manager: Kudaki Torai
Kumagawa's Student Council: President: Hansode Shiranui • Vice President: Gagamaru Chougasaki • Treasurer: Mukae Emukae • Secretary: Shibuki Shibushi • General Affairs Manager: Misogi Kumagawa
Candidate Student Council: Suishou KibougaokaIma TakarabeKiki KikitsuShori WanizukaTsugiha Yojirou
Committees Public Morals Committee: Myouri UnzenMyouga UnzenFue YobukoHarigane OnigaseKanraku KunisakiRanraku YoshinogariTomojiki KoyuKabuto NomozakiTousei ChijiwaKaishi Yame
Election Management Committee: Kiruko TachiaraiTokemichi Choujabaru
Beautification Committee: Uzume Megusuno
Diet Education Committee: Konomi MeraKuroudo Iizuka
Excercise Committee: Tsue Kamimutsuro
Health Preservation Committee: Aoki Aka
Library Committee: Yabumi Juunichou
Thirteen Party Front Six: Oudo MiyakonojouMizou YukuhashiYouka NazeItami KogaKei MunakataShigusa Takachiho
Plus Six: Gunki ItoshimaOtome YunomaeHamaya HyakuchouYutori ChikuzenYamami TsurumisakiShoko Kamimine
Former Members: Myouri UnzenMaguro Kurokami
Not Equals Najimi AjimuHanten Shiranui
Club Members Kendo Club: Mahibi MojiKyousai UsaNengi NakatsuKonkei YufuinMokuyou TosuMari ImariZen UreshinoSeijaku IbusukiHabataki Hyuuga
Swimming Club: Umumichi YakushimaSotsu TanegashimaMogana KikaijimaRoppu Gotourettou
Judo Club: Nekomi NabeshimaBetsuhei JounanKouki Akune
Athletics Club: Aria AriakeIsagi Isahaya
Shogi Club: Sasae MochibaruMiri Natayama
Art Club: Kizashi Yuubaru
Broadcasting Club: Tanzaku Aso
Karate Club: Tsue Kamimutsuro
Other Students Abnormals: Garaharu UshibukaRoyal HiradoKenri NoogataSanou TsushimaUnou TsushimaHitomi Hitoyoshi
Non Abnormals: Akizuki UrushiHisshuu KanoyaKenna YatsushiroMokkin Team
Suisou Academy
Student Council Jakago's Student Council: President: Aki Jakago • Vice President: Iya Renpei • Treasurer: Usa Hannyaji • Secretary: Kae Sakanoue • General Affairs Manager: Tou Kejukuri
Kunagawa's Student Council: President: Misogi Kumagawa • General Affairs Manager: Saki Sukinasaki
Other Students Uchi TeppouMei UtsubogiSumi KakureminoSude KakureminoKui YakeishiFude Ezumachi
Kurokami Group
Main Family Kajiki KurokamiHato KurokamiNashi KurokamiMedaka KurokamiKujira KurokamiMaguro Kurokami
Tsurubami Family Kamome TsurubamiFukurou TsurubamiHato Tsurubami
Shiranui Family Hakama ShiranuiHansode ShiranuiHanhaba ShiranuiHanten ShiranuiIihiko Shishime
Suitors Medaka's Suitors: Kakegae YuzurihaMogura KugurugiJoutou KotobukiMomo MomozonoNamanie NienamiSui Kanaino
Suitor Doubles: Gizou YuzurihaKairai KugurugiShinkirou KotobukiGenjitsu MomozonoSakugo NienamiKariteru Kanaino
Gekka Hyoujin Kai Bukiko Udou
Kiyoterae Saki SukinasakiJuujika HachiningatakeZomeki Furousan
Middle Schoolers Suishou KibougaokaIma TakarabeShori WanizukaKiki KikitsuTsugiha YojirouTatarou KamoikeYuimu HagoromoShouki SooKuromi AroutaGorgeous HiradoRettouroppu GotouShikiri Mukueda
Others Ifu MifuneMogami
Manga Navigation
Original Series
Medaka Box One-Shot
Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7
Volume 2: Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16
Volume 3: Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25
Volume 4: Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34
Volume 5: Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43
Volume 6: Chapter 44Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49Chapter 50Chapter 51Chapter 52
Volume 7: Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58Chapter 59Chapter 60Chapter 61
Volume 8: Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65Chapter 66Chapter 67Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70
Volume 9: Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 75Chapter 76Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79
Volume 10: Chapter 80Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88
Volume 11: Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97
Volume 12: Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102Chapter 103Chapter 104Chapter 105Chapter 106
Volume 13: Chapter 107Chapter 108Chapter 109Chapter 110Chapter 111Chapter 112Chapter 113Chapter 114Chapter 115
Volume 14: Chapter 116Chapter 117Chapter 118Chapter 119Chapter 120Chapter 121Chapter 122Chapter 123Chapter 124
Volume 15: Chapter 125Chapter 126Chapter 127Chapter 128Chapter 129Chapter 130Chapter 130Chapter 131Special Chapter
Volume 16: Chapter 132Chapter 133Chapter 134Chapter 135Chapter 136Chapter 137Chapter 138Chapter 139Chapter 140
Volume 17: Chapter 141Chapter 142Chapter 143Chapter 144Chapter 145Chapter 146Chapter 148Chapter 149
Volume 18: Chapter 150Chapter 151Chapter 152Chapter 153Chapter 154Chapter 155Chapter 156Chapter 157Chapter 158
Volume 19: Chapter 159Chapter 160Chapter 161Chapter 162Chapter 163Chapter 164Chapter 165Chapter 166Chapter 167
Volume 20: Chapter 168Chapter 169Chapter 170Chapter 171Chapter 172Chapter 173Chapter 174Chapter 175Chapter 176
Volume 21: Chapter 177Chapter 178Chapter 179Chapter 180Chapter 181Chapter 182Chapter 183Chapter 184Chapter 185
Volume 22: Chapter 186Chapter 187Chapter 188Chapter 189Chapter 190Chapter 191Chapter 191Chapter 192Special Chapter 2
Shounen Shoujo Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5
Volume 2: Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10
Volume 3: Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 15.5
Legend of Eccentric Youth! 240 Academy Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8
Volume 2: Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
Volume 3: Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22
Oogiri 1. Girl in a Box • 2. RKD-EK9 • 3. "How Far Can You Kill?" • 4. Hunger Strike! • 5. The Merchant of Love • 6. Teach Me About the Offside • 7. The One Wish That He Wants Granted No Matter What, and the Ninety-Nine That He Doesn’t • 8. We Don't Learn Sloppily • 9. Friendless Alliance
One-Shots After School: 7th ClassUrobooe UroborosNadekko and You!One Morning I Woke UpDesire for a Reply!Precision Machine and Perfuntory HumanPart ThreesDetective Boy KoroTrash Basket MountainThe Obvious OmitThe Masked Detective, Mask de Holmes, and the Kiss ThiefTabitabi DemonstrationOff The Mark Q-dou Club
Bakemonogatari Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3
Volume 2: Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30
Volume 5: Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40
Volume 6: Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43Chapter 44Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49
Volume 7: Chapter 50Chapter 51Chapter 52Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58
Volume 8: Chapter 59Chapter 60Chapter 61Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65Chapter 66Chapter 67
Volume 9: Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 74Chapter 75Chapter 76
Volume 10: Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79Chapter 80Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85
Volume 11: Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94
Volume 12: Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102Chapter 103
Soushiki Zerozaki's Human Exam Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3
Volume 2: Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8
Volume 3: Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13
Volume 4: Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18
Volume 5: Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Special Chapter
Kishishiki Zerozaki's Human Knock Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10
Volume 3: Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17
Volume 4: Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24
Zodiac War Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 11
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29
Pretty Boy Detective Club Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8
Volume 3: Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13
Volume 4: Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18
Volume 5: Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Extra Chapter
The Memorandum of Kyouko Okitegami Volume 1 Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 2.5Special Chapter
Volume 2 Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Special Chapter 2
Volume 3 Chapter 6.5Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9
Volume 4 Chapter 9.5Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 5 Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15
Legend of the Scream Volume 1 Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5
Volume 2 Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11
Volume 3 Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17
Volume 4 Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
New Authentic Magical Girl Risuka One-ShotChapter 1Chapter 2