
"Tthhee Wwaarr Ccrriimmiinnaall ooff Ggeemmiinnii――Kkiilliinngg bbyy cchhooiiccee,, Ddoouubbllee Mmiinndd.."

Double Mind

M2222 is an antagonist of Zodiac War. He and his older twin sister W2222 make up Double Mind (ダブル・マインド, Daburu Maindo), the War Criminal of Gemini (『双子(ふたご)』の戦犯(せんぱん), "Futago" no Senpan), part of the war criminals of the twelve western zodiac signs[1].


As they name would suggest, the Double Mind twins' possess a telepathic link which means they not only share a single personality but also speak at the same time about the same things. They appear frank and direct, speaking in a controlled manner and acting calm and composed in front of the Tatsumi brothers while carrying out their plan.[1] However, they're also shown to lose their cool when faced with unexpected situations, such as the trap laid out by Sharyuu's group in the cave.[2] They show reverence and respect to Baron Sue and particularly Dandy Lion, referring to him as 'king' and following his orders to the letter.[2] They seem to share the Tatsumi brothers' animosity towards other twins, although it's unclear if their intent to kill was genuine or merely a part of the plan to attack them.[1] Like all the other war criminals, they hate war and will gladly forfeit their own lives in order to eradicate it.[3]



 Double Mind

Due to the connected nature of their minds, the twins' relationship is hard to define, though they appear serve as a support system for one another, backing each other while they were separated and in confinement, and after their reunion, they appear to be inseparable.[1]


W2222 and M2222 are fraternal twins, their appearances differing quite a bit. M2222 is a tall and built boy with a rounded face, big round black eyes and slightly curly blonde hair styled in a bob haircut, covering his right eye. He is shown wearing a white sailor uniform with a black belt, a blue collar and cuffs and a yellow ribbon, alongside a matching hat. He also wears simple black boots, and his belt buckle is a golden roman numeral Ⅱ, signifying the symbol of Gemini.


The Double Mind twins originate from an illegal human experiment conducted by a certain military organization with the objective of creating a perfect soldier. Considered failures, they were moved to separate facilities and their existence was concealed. Surviving by encouraging each other through their telepathy, the organization eventually fell apart and the twins were rescued from their imprisonment (W2222 by a revolutionary army and M2222 by an NGO). Serving their time separately as warriors, they eventually had an emotional reunion on a battlefield. They became wanted as war criminals for the theft of an aircraft carrier and a nuclear submarine, which they committed for unknown reasons.[1]

Abilities & Equipment[]

  • Telepathy (精神感応(せいしんかんのう), Seishin Kannō): The Double Mind twins have powers of telepathy resulting from the human experiments conducted on them since birth. Their minds are constantly linked and they can communicate with one another at all times, regardless of the distance between them[1]. Additionally, they are capable of remotely controlling machines, as they were shown to control the aircraft carrier and nuclear submarine used in the air strike on the twelve warriors' fortress[2].
  • War Hammer (ウォーハンマー, Wō Hanmā): M2222's weapon of choice. Although called a war hammer, it looks closer to a morning star, its black metallic shaft attached to an iron ball fitted with multiple blunt spikes. The handle takes the shape of a number of small spheres stuck to one another. The star-shaped weapon matches his sister's Crossbow, which is decorated with star-shaped ornaments.
  • Nuclear Submarine (原潜(げんせん), Gensen): A nuclear submarine stolen by M2222, which landed him on the most wanted list as a war criminal. He is shown controlling it remotely with his telepathy[2].


Appellation Japanese By
I and I (Watashi) 私と私 Self
Double Mind ダブル・マインド Everyone
Younger Brother Narration

Appellation Japanese For
I and I (Watashi) 私と私 Self
King キング Dandy Lion
Judge 裁判長 Baron Sue


"Tthhee Wwaarr Ccrriimmiinnaall ooff Ggeemmiinnii――Kkiilliinngg wwiitthhoouutt aa cchhooiiccee,, Ddoouubbllee Mmiinndd.."
「『『双双子子(ふふたたごご)』』のの戦戦犯犯(せせんんぱぱんん)――――『『選選択択(せせんんたたくく)のの余余地地(よよちち)ななくく殺殺(こころろ)すす』』ダダブブルル・・ママイインンドド」, "'Ffuuttaaggoo' nnoo Sseennppaann――'Sseennttaakkuu nnoo Yyoocchhii nnaakkuu Kkoorroossuu' Ddaabbuurruu Mmaaiinnddoo"
—Double Mind's self-introduction, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle
"I wish for options."
選択肢(せんたくし)()しい」, "Sentakushi ga hoshii"
—Double Mind's wish
"Ffoorr tthhee ssaakkee ooff tthhee jjuuddggee'ss hhoonnoorr,, Ii aanndd Ii wwiillll ssaayy tthhiiss: tthhaatt ppeerrssoonn sseerriioouussllyy ccoonnssiiddeerreedd yyoouu gguuyyss ffrriieennddss――aanndd iitt llooookkss lliikkee Ii aanndd Ii wwiillll sseerriioouussllyy kkiillll yyoouu gguuyyss.. Ssuurreellyy tthhaatt ffoorrggiivviinngg jjuuddggee wwiillll ffoorrggiivvee mmee aanndd mmee ffoorr tthhaatt.."
裁裁判判長長(ささいいばばんんちちょょうう)のの名名誉誉(めめいいよよ)ののたためめにに言言(いい)っってておおくくとと、、ああいいつつはは本本気気(ほほんんきき)ででおお前前達達(ままええたたちち)をを仲仲間間(ななかかまま)ににししよよううととししてていいたた――――私私(わわたたしし)とと私私(わわたたしし)がが本本気気(ほほんんきき)ででおお前前達達(ままええたたちち)をを殺殺(こころろ)そそううととししてていいるるよよううにに。。ききっっととああのの許許()ししのの裁裁判判長長()はは、、私私()とと私私()ののこことともも、、許許(ゆゆるる)ししててくくれれるる」, "Ssaaiibbaanncchhoouu nnoo mmeeiiyyoo nnoo ttaammee nnii iitttteookkuuttoo,, aaiittssuu wwaa hhoonnkkii ddee oommaaeettaacchhii wwoo nnaakkaammaa nnii sshhiiyyoouu ttoosshhiitee iittaa――――wwaattaasshhii ttoo wwaattaasshhii ggaa hhoonnkkii ddee oommaaeettaacchhii wwoo kkoorroossoouu ttoosshhiittee iirruu yyoouunnii.. kkiittttoo aannoo yyuurruusshhii nnoo ssaaiibbaanncchhoouu wwaa,, wwaattaasshhii ttoo wwaattaasshhii nnoo kkoottoo mmoo,, yyuurruusshhiitteekkuurreerruu.."
—Double Mind to the Tatsumi brothers about Baron Sue, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle
"Iiff oonnllyy wwaarr ddiiddnntt eexxiisstt.."
"Sesennsosouu sasaee nanakekererebaba.."
—Double Mind's true wish, Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Final Battle


  • The title of the chapter dedicated to Double Mind, Third Battle: Distinguished Beyond Compare, in Japanese contains the kanji for twin (双).
  • The Double Mind twins' speech pattern of doubling up every character in their lines is one of multiple specific speech patterns that some pairs of twins have in Nisio Isin's works. Other examples include the Miotsukushi twins, Misora Miotsukushi and Takami Miotsukushi, from the Zaregoto Series and the vampire twins, Highwaist and Lowrise, from the Monogatari Series.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Third Battle: Distinguished Beyond Compare
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Fifth Battle: Snake in One's Bosom
  3. Zodiac War Vs. Zodiac War, Final Battle: Fish Will Not Live in Water That Is Too Clean


Zodiac War Navigation
Novels Zodiac WarZodiac War Vs. Zodiac War
Manga Volumes Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29
Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Overseers DuodecupleNavi
Warriors Boar: InounoshishiDog: DotsukuChicken: NiwatoriMonkey: SharyuuSheep: HitsujiiHorse: UumaSnake: Younger Tatsumi BrotherDragon: Older Tatsumi BrotherRabbit: UsagiTiger: ToraOx: UshiiRat: Nezumi
War Criminals Aries: Friend SheepTaurus: Look MeGemini: Double Mind (W2222 & M2222) • Cancer: Sir CancerLeo: Dandy LionVirgo: Iron MayLibra: Baron SueScorpio: Skull PyonSagittarius: Unsun SajitariCapricorn: Go To HeavenAquarius: Muppet BottlePisces: Doctor Finish
Others Kiyoko InouMizaruIwazaruKikazaru