Episode 2: "The First Negotiation Play! Uranus is Lying in Wait" (第2話 「初めての交渉劇! 天王星は横たわる」, Dai 2 Wa: "Hajimete no Kōshōgeki! Tenōsei wa Yokotawaru")
Episode 3: "The Greatest, Appearing! Freshly Striped Jupiter" (第3話 「最大、現る! 木星は爽やかな縞模様」, Dai 3 Wa: "Saidai Arawaru! Mokusei wa Sawayaka na Shimamoyō")
Episode 4: "The Opposition of Water and the Ocean! Skillfully Managing the Dilemma of Surfing" (第4話 「水と海の対立! 板挟みのサーフィンを乗りこなせ」, Dai 4 Wa: "Mizu to Umi no Tairitsu! Itabasami no Sāfin wo Norikonase")
Episode 5: "Little Girl, to War! Mars Can't Die and Leave Things this Way" (第5話 「幼女、参戦! 火星は死んでも死に切れない」, Dai 5 Wa: "Yōjo, Sansen! Kasei wa Shindemo Shinikirenai")
Episode 6: "Dialogue, Tripartite Talk, Four Person Discussion! And Thus The Angel Appeared" (第6話 「対談、鼎談、四者会談! そして天使が現れる」, Dai 6 Wa: "Taidan, Teidan, Yonsha Kaidan! Soshite Tenshi ga Arawareru")
Episode 7: "Pluto, Descend! She's Not a Martyr" (第7話 「冥王、降臨! 彼女はまるで殉じない」, Dai 7 Wa: "Meiō, Kōrin! Kanojo wa Marude Junjinai")
Episode 8: "The Angel and the God of Death! And Then......" (第8話 「天使と死神! そして……」, Dai 8 Wa: "Tenshi to Shinigami! Soshite......")
Episode 9: "Jack of All Trades! The Genius Girl Living Up to her Name" (第9話 「八面六臂! 天才少女の面目躍如」, Dai 9 Wa: "Hachimenroppi! Tensai Shōjo no Menmoku Yakujo")
Episode 10: "Shining Goddess Venus! The Final Planet, Appearing" (第10話 「輝く女神はヴィーナス! 最後の惑星、現る」, Dai 10 Wa: "Kagayaku Megami wa Vīnasu! Saigo no Wakuseri, Arawaru")
Episode 11: "The Truth Told! The Faraway War" (第11話 「語られる真実! はるかかなたの戦争」, Dai 11 Wa: "Katarareru Shinjitsu! Harukanata no Sensō")
Episode 12: "Tete-a-tete with the Sun! Here is the Center of the World" (第12話 「太陽に相対! ここが世界の中心だ」, Dai 12 Wa: "Taiyō ni Aitai! Koko ga Sekai no Chūshin")
Episode 13: "Shine Brightly! The Sparkling Stars Intermingle" (第13話 「きらきら光れ! 輝く星は混じり合う」, Dai 13 Wa: "Kirakira Hikare! Kagayaku Hoshi wa Majiriau")
Episode 14: "Solar System Summit! And So Begins the Omit!" (第14話 「太陽系サミット! そして始まるオミット」, Dai 14 Wa: "Taiyōkei Samitto! Soshite Hajimaru Omitto")