
Iwazaru (岩猿(いわざる), Iwazaru) is a minor character from Zodiac War. They are a hermit wizard living on the scared mountain where Sharyuu was born. They taught her how to control solids.[1].


Nothing is known about Iwazaru's personality.


Iwazaru's appearance is never described.


Iwazaru is a mountain hermit versed in magic, specifically in the control of solids. They reside on a sacred mountain alongside Mizaru and Kikazaru, where Sharyuu was born, and raised the young pacifist alongside the other two hermits[1].

Abilities & Equipment[]

  • Solid Control (固体操(こたいあやつ)る, Kotai Ayatsuru): Mizaru's hermit magic, which allows them to control rocks and other solids[1].
Solid Control (固体操(こたいあやつ)る, Kotai Ayatsuru)
NoImageAvailable Debut: Zodiac War, Fourth Battle
Type: Hermit Magic
Effect: Manipulation of Solids


  • Iwazaru's name means "rock monkey".
    • Mizaru, Iwazaru and Kikazaru's names are based off of the "three wise monkeys" (三猿(さんえん)), Mizaru (見猿(みざる)), the "see no evil" monkey, Iwazaru (()(ざる)), the "speak no evil" monkey and Kikazaru (()(ざる)), the "hear no evil" monkey, whose names are phonetically identical but written with different kanji.
  • The term used for "hermit wizard" in Japanese is sennin (仙人(せんにん)), referred to in Chinese as xian, which is a concept referring to an immortal and transcendental human with special abilities, which typically resides isolated on a mountain.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Zodiac War, Fourth Battle: Even Among One's Formidable Enemies, Some Are Monkeys that Scratch and Claw


Zodiac War Navigation
Novels Zodiac WarZodiac War Vs. Zodiac War
Manga Volumes Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29
Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Overseers DuodecupleNavi
Warriors Boar: InounoshishiDog: DotsukuChicken: NiwatoriMonkey: SharyuuSheep: HitsujiiHorse: UumaSnake: Younger Tatsumi BrotherDragon: Older Tatsumi BrotherRabbit: UsagiTiger: ToraOx: UshiiRat: Nezumi
War Criminals Aries: Friend SheepTaurus: Look MeGemini: Double Mind (W2222 & M2222) • Cancer: Sir CancerLeo: Dandy LionVirgo: Iron MayLibra: Baron SueScorpio: Skull PyonSagittarius: Unsun SajitariCapricorn: Go To HeavenAquarius: Muppet BottlePisces: Doctor Finish
Others Kiyoko InouMizaruIwazaruKikazaru