
Decapitation Cycle: The Blue Savant and the Nonsense User (クビキリサイクル 青色(あおいろ)サヴァンと戯言遣(ざれごとつか)い, Kubikiri Saikuru: Aoiro Savan to Zaregoto Tsukai) is the anime adaptation of the first volume of the Zaregoto Series. It was produced by Studio SHAFT, airing between October 26, 2016 and May 24, 2017, with a total of 8 episodes[1].


Running for a total of 8 episodes, the OVA anime series adapted the first novel of the Zaregoto Series. The series was produced by Studio SHAFT, known for also adapting Nisio Isin's Monogatari Series. Much like the Monogatari Series adaptation, the character designer for the OVA was Akio Watanabe, adapting Take's original character designs. Yukito Kizawa and Munemasa Nakamoto wrote the script, and the soundtrack was composed by Yuki Kajiura. As an OVA, the episodes came out at an irregular interval, with an average of a month in between releases.


  • Opening Theme: Cobalt World
  • Ending Theme: Marchen


  1. let him tell his story
  2. old-fashioned fairy tale
  3. pessimistically
  4. he shows some interest
  5. he has some doubts
  6. he is a bit puzzled
  7. a kind of friendship
  8. he feels empty
  9. deep in his heart
  10. twisted mind
  11. she is a scholar
  12. optimistically
  13. she is a fortuneteller
  14. a sudden fear
  15. a courtesy talk
  16. she is a painter
  17. a logical talk
  18. a metaphysical talk
  19. a momentary exchange
  20. a composition of opposition
  21. first thing a detective does
  22. a presentation of a mystery
  23. reconstructing a full picture
  24. one more mystery[2]

  • now he talks again
  • daily life, returning to normal
  • she is the strongest
  • she puts a question to him
  • she solves, by herself
  • she answers to him
  • she explains, for the happy ending
  • he told his story
  • Cobalt World (群青世界(ぐんじょうせかい), Gunjō Sekai)
  • Marchen (メルヒェン, Meruhien)[2]

  • Cast[]


    The OVA series ran for 8 episodes, each around 20-30 minutes long, aside from the last one, which is around 40 minutes long. Every episode adapts one chapter of the original work.

    # Title Airing Date
    1 Third Day (1): Savant Ultramarine
    (三日目(みつかめ) (1) サヴァンの群青(ぐんじょう), Mitsukame (1) Savan no Gunjō)
    October 26, 2016
    2 Third Day (2): Set and Arithmetic
    (三日目(みつかめ) (2) 集合(しゅうごう)算数(さんすう), Mitsukame (2) Shūgō to Sansū)
    November 30, 2016
    3 Fourth Day (1): One Decapitation
    (四日目(よつかめ) (1) 首斬(くびき)(ひと)つ, Yotsukame (1) Kubikiri Hitotsu)
    January 25, 2017
    4 Fourth Day (2): The Tragedy of 0.14
    (四日目(よつかめ) (2) 0.14の悲劇(ひげき), Yotsukame (2) 0.14 no Higeki)
    February 22, 2017
    5 Fifth Day (1): Two Decapitation
    (五日目(いつかめ) (1) 首斬(くびき)(ふた)つ, Itsukame (1) Kubikiri Futatsu)
    March 29, 2017
    6 Fifth Day (2): Lie
    (五日目(いつかめ) (2) (うそ), Itsukame (2) Uso)
    May 31, 2017
    7 Fifth Day (3): A Crow's Wet Feathers
    (五日目(いつかめ) (3) (からす)()(), Itsukame (3) Karasu no Nureba)
    August 30, 2017
    8 One Week Later: Divergence - Epilogue: A Red Red Fantasia
    (一週間後(いっしゅうかんご) 分岐(ぶんき) 後日談(ごじつだん) まっかなおとぎばなし, Isshūkango Bunki Gojitsudan Makkana Otogibanashi)
    September 27, 2017



    Zaregoto Navigation
    Zaregoto Series 1. Decapitation Cycle • 2. Strangulation Romanticist • 3. Hanging High School • 4. Psycho Logical (Part One) • 5. Psycho Logical (Part Two) • 6. Cannibal Magical • 7. Uprooted Radical (Part One) • 8. Uprooted Radical (Part Two) • 9. Uprooted Radical (Part Three)
    Ningen Series 1. Human Exam • 2. Human Knock • 3. Human Character • 4. Human Relations (Part One) • 5. Human Relations (Part Two) • 6. Human Relations (Part Three) • 7. Human Relations (Part Four)
    Saikyou Series 1. The First Love of Humanity's Strongest • 2. The Pure Love of Humanity's Strongest • 3. The Heartbeat of Humanity's Strongest • 4. The Sweetheart of Humanity's Strongest • 5. The Venice of Humanity's Strongest
    Manga Soushiki Zerozaki's Human Exam:
    Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3
    Volume 2: Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8
    Volume 3: Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13
    Volume 4: Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18
    Volume 5: Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Special Chapter
    Kishishiki Zerozaki's Human Knock:
    Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4
    Volume 2: Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10
    Volume 3: Chapter 11Chapter 12Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17
    Volume 4: Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24
    Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 2Episode 2Episode 3 • • Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8
    Other Zaregoto Dictional
    Antique Apartment Nonsense UserMiiko AsanoHouko YamiguchiMoeta IshinagiIchihime YukarikiNanami NanananamiKoutoumaru HayabusaUkigumo
    Rokumeikan University Nonsense UserMikoko AoiiTomoe EmotoMuimi AtemiyaAkiharu UsamiYashigeMinayamaYoshimasaMarchen
    ER3 System Seven Fools: Akane SonoyamaGazelle InparaMiyori JikumotoCoffee TableHewlettFraulein Love
    MS-2: Takashi SaitouAkira KajouJunya AikawaKokoromi MiyoshiPuniko YuigahamaMagokoro Omokage
    Others: Nonsense User
    Saitou Clinic Yaku KigamineKuchiha MadokaTakashi Saitou
    Saitou Family Jun AikawaTakashi SaitouJun SaitouKengo SaitouMasami Saitou
    Police Sasaki SasaKazuhito Ikaruga
    Mutou Family Iori MutouKengo MutouHatsubame MutouHirofumi MutouMiharu Mutou
    Others Kouta IshimaruNeon SuzunashiGenki HimenaRabumi KatanashiUsagi SaganoKouo HitsujisawaJion TsugeYasumichi KagawaKurahiko KitadaMayumi KouzukiMadoka KajinoHiroasa MasaguchiYoruko OrihamaRikuyuki IkehashiHaruka HarunaControllerSouko KurashimaTaeka KandouTokuhiko SawagishiMuri Atemiya
    RULE Ilia AkagamiOdette AkagamiNoa OrigamiToromi NagatoroHikari ChigaAkari ChigaTeruko ChigaRei Handa
    Wet Crow's Feather Island Kanami IbukiAkane SonoyamaShinya SakakiMaki HimenaYayoi SashironoMiyori Jikumoto
    Sumiyuri Academy Ichihime YukarikiShiogi HagiharaTamamo SaijouYuma ShiseiKeikiRokaAmiShuki
    Kunagisa Organization Tomo KunagisaNao KunagisaDouji KasumiokaShikaba Shikabane
    Shadou Research Institute Kyouichirou ShadouMisachi UzeShito OogakiHinayoshi KoutariFuruara NeoKokoromi MiyoshiKasuga KasugaiGaisuke Utsurigi
    Killing Names Niounomiya: Rizumu NiounomiyaIzumu NiounomiyaFragmentHawatari SawarabiNaguma SawarabiYumiya SawarabiTakami MiotsukushiMisora MiotsukushiParesu AgemakiSaera AgemakiRoudo AgemakiWaka Wakamurasaki
    Yamiguchi: Houko YamiguchiHyoui YamiguchiNureginu Yamiguchi
    Zerozaki: Hitoshiki ZerozakiSoushiki ZerozakiKishishiki ZerozakiMagashiki ZerozakiJoushiki ZerozakiMaiori ZerozakiZeroshiki ZerozakiHataori Zerozaki
    Ishinagi: Moeta IshinagiToishi Ishinagi
    Cursing Names Tokinomiya: Jikoku TokinomiyaTokei TokinomiyaShigure TokinomiyaJishin Tokinomiya
    Tsumiguchi: Tsumiyuki TsumiguchiTsumina Tsumiguchi
    Kino: Raichi KinoKichi KinoDaichi Kino
    Others: Nukemichi NukumoriShimetsu ShibukiTogari Toganagi
    Thirteen Stairs 1. Akira Kajou • 2. Konomi Ichirizuka • 3. Sonoki Emoto • 4. Kudan Utage • 5. Zukin Furuyari the 12th • 6. Jikoku Tokinomiya • 7. Rurero Migishita • 8. Nureginu Yamiguchi • 9. Misora Miotsukushi • 10. Takami Miotsukushi • 11. Noise • 12. Raichi Kino • 13. Magokoro Omokage
    Former: Rizumu NiounomiyaIzumu NiounomiyaZukin Furuyari the 11th
    Kitsuregawa Research Institute Motsure KitsuregawaHotsure KitsuregawaMatsuri ShimegiwaFureai
    Naoki Three Musketeers Hienma NaokiDorotabou NaokiEnenra NaokiShichininmisaki Naoki
    Others Kajumaru RikkaKojika HanamakiMifuri SanjuusangendouNifuri Sanjuusangendou
    Locations TaiyakujimaCrash Classic
    Team Gaisuke UtsurigiSuzu HinemosuSeigo GotodorokiMutsuki MunefuyuHakuraku NadekiriHyou AyaminamiKishiki ShikigishiTouno ShigaiTomo Kunagisa
    Non-humans Extraterrestrials: SeethroughStones
    Deep Sea Creatures: SamersDraggybag
    Others 10 Year Old ChildLord of the Island