
"Then, I’ll become a shinobi that can destroy history. I’ll take this old, moldy school of martial arts—and improve it further and take it to future generations. To future generations, and perhaps to future eras."

Chouchou Maniwa the 1st

Chouchou Maniwa the 1st (真庭(まにわ) 蝶々(ちょうちょう) 1世(いっせい), Maniwa Chōchō Issei), also known as Chouchou the Ill-Fated (不遇(ふぐう)蝶々(ちょうちょう), Fugū no Chōchō), is a character from the Katanagatari Series. He is a ninja from the Sengoku Period and one of the first bosses of the Maniwa Ninja Corps[1]. His name would later be inherited by Chouchou Maniwa two hundred years later[2].


Chouchou was said to be a pleasant person. Because of his body, Chouchou was never fit to be a ninja. He accepted the fact that he would never be able to rise to the status of one of the twelve bosses, not showing much desperation over his unfortunate physical disadvantage. He still had the same readiness to die as any other ninja, however, suggesting to Kyouken Maniwa that she should leave him behind to die so that she may escape. However, when the woman refused to leave her comrade to die, Chouchou showed intense gratitude, almost being driven to tears when faced with her kindness. After dragging Kyouken down during their mission thanks to his body, Chouchou's inferiority complex over his size grew stronger, making him think that he should stop being a ninja, and even that he should have killed himself when he noticed how tall he was getting[1].

His confrontation with Kazune Yasuri changed his entire perspective, however. The two men were very similar, both unsuited for the task they were born to perform, with Kazune being wholly incapable of using swords. However, instead of accepting his inferiority, Kazune taught Chouchou to think positively about his abilities, adapting his technique such that he would disregard his disadvantages. Their encounter and battle gave Chouchou the determination to strive to improve himself, and after much training and a recommendation from Kyouken, he managed to become one of the twelve bosses, against all odds[1].


Chouchou is a hulking, massive and muscular man with unusually long limbs. He has bright red eyes and long black hair, tied in a knot resembling a butterfly's wings. Similarly to the other Maniwa ninja, he wears black sleeveless garb, which showcases his pectoral muscles. He wears sandals, and has chains tied all over his body.


Chouchou was a member of the Maniwa Ninja Corps during the Sengoku Period, right when the organization shifted its command structure to have twelve bosses. Due to his unusually massive body, he wasn't suited to be a ninja, serving as an underling. Not being able to use ninjutsu, he picked up kenpou, becoming the assistant instructor of the martial art within the village. Although he wasn't expected to be chosen as a leader, his training paid off and he became one of the first twelve leaders. His name went on to be inherited, eventually being passed down to the identically named member of the Maniwa Clan[1].

Abilities and Equipment[]

  • Maniwa Kenpou (真庭拳法(まにわけんぽう), Maniwa Kenpō): An original style of kenpou developed by the memebers of the Maniwa village and passed down the generations, Chouchou the 1st worked hard to perfect the style and eventually made it effective against not only single opponents but also large groups as well. It's very similar to the Kyotouryuu, with Chouchou's improvements having come from his experience fighting Kazune Yasuri. It was eventually inherited by the future Chouchou Maniwa[1].


  • (Chouchou talking about his body) "Well, some things you just can’t do anything about—I just have to resign myself to this fate. And it’s not like I can hate this body that my parents gave me. Being sturdy is my only saving grace, so I’ll carry out my tasks as an underling as best as I can."[1]
  • (Chouchou's oath of determination to Kazune) "Then, I’ll become a shinobi that can destroy history. (...) I’ll take this old, moldy school of martial arts—and improve it further and take it to future generations. To future generations, and perhaps to future eras."[1]


  • The Maniwa surname means "garden of truth", partly suggesting the animal motif of the ninja clan.
  • Chouchou's first name literally means "butterfly".
  • Chouchou's height is stated to be 7 shaku, 8 sun, 3 bu, which is roughly equal to 237 cm.
  • Chouchou's weight is stated to be 28 kan, which is roughly equal to 105 kg.
  • Chouchou's creed is stated to be "be patient and prudent" (隠忍自重(いんにんじちょう), Innin Jichō).
  • The furigana for Chouchou's name is てふてふ, which would ordinarily be read as "Tefutefu". This is because it uses an old reading system, and the pronunciation is still Chouchou.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Maniwagatari, Episode Three: First Generation - Chouchou Maniwa
  2. Maniwagatari, Episode One: First Generation - Koumori Maniwa


Katanagatari Navigation
Novels Katanagatari Chapter One: Absolute Sword, PlaneKatanagatari Chapter Two: Slash Sword, BluntKatanagatari Chapter Three: Thousand Sword, SaberKatanagatari Chapter Four: Thin Sword, NeedleKatanagatari Chapter Five: Bandit Sword, ArmorKatanagatari Chapter Six: Twin Sword, HammerKatanagatari Chapter Seven: Evil Sword, PoorKatanagatari Chapter Eight: Delicate Sword, HairpinKatanagatari Chapter Nine: King Sword, SawKatanagatari Chapter Ten: True Sword, ScaleKatanagatari Chapter Eleven: Poison Sword, GiltKatanagatari Chapter Twelve: Flame Sword, GunManiwagatari
Anime Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Characters & World
Yasuri Family Shichika YasuriNanami YasuriMutsue YasuriMigiri YasuriKazune YasuriItsumiki Yasuri
Yanari Shogunate Royalty: Masatsuna YanariPrincess HiteiTogame the SchemerTakahito Hida
Retainers: HannyamaruFurachi OniyadoriAkatsuki TomoeMatsuaki FugiKairo IgaBoufura ManiwaUronOu HaigaKokubo SumigaokaKousha SarabaBangai Rogiri
Deviant Blade Owners Koumori ManiwaGinkaku UneriMeisai TsurugaHakuhei SabiKanara AzekuraKonayuki ItezoraBiyorigouZanki KiguchiRinne HigakiKiki ShikizakiEmonzaemon Souda
Maniwa Ninja Corps Bird Squad: Houou ManiwaShirasagi ManiwaOshidori Maniwa
Beast Squad: Kawauso ManiwaKoumori ManiwaKyouken Maniwa
Insect Squad: Kamakiri ManiwaChouchou ManiwaMitsubachi Maniwa
Fish Squad: Umigame ManiwaKuizame ManiwaPengin Maniwa
Poison Squad: Dokuhebi ManiwaDokuzuru ManiwaDokufugu ManiwaDokuari ManiwaDokugumo Maniwa
First Generations: Koumori Maniwa the 1stKuizame Maniwa the 1stChouchou Maniwa the 1stShirasagi Maniwa the 1st
Others: Boufura ManiwaHaruzemi ManiwaMatsuzemi Maniwa
Others Kinkaku UneriKokken SabiKokoro AzekuraYuru
Locations Haphazard IslandGekoku CastleTriad ShrineGanryuu IslandDakuon HarborOdori MountainSeiryouin Gokenji TempleLake FuyouShogi VillageHyakkeijouNew Maniwa VillageOwari CastleShirei MountainAnkoku CastleHida Castle