
Aberration (怪異(かいい), Kaī), also translated as Apparition or Oddity, is a core concept of the Monogatari Series. The term refers to any kind of supernatural, mythical, otherworldy or inhuman creature in the world.



Aberrations are not simply natural biological lifeforms that evolved over time. Rather, they are more akin to concepts, commonly said to not even be alive. They are manifestations of human emotions, thoughts and fears, and can only exist through humanity's continued knowledge of and belief in them. Because of this, most aberrations are creatures of myth, with plenty of history to provide a high number of people that know of and believe in them. When an aberration goes to a place where there are no humans to witness it and believe in it, it will eventually weaken and die, which is why aberrations must continue performing their legendary feats.

While most aberrations are legendary creatures, new aberrations are also being continuously created all the time. It can be inferred that the requirement for a new aberration to be created depends on the strength of the creators' feelings, with occasional cases of aberrations being created entirely by a single person. Thus, the creation of an aberration does not necessarily depend on the number of humans who believe in it.

Deishuu Kaiki introduced the concept of "fake aberrations", aberrations that don't actually exist but are instead based on lies or mistakes. How exactly they function is unclear, as all aberrations are presumably born from rumours that aren't initially true. One possibility is that fake aberrations are lies that don't have enough human emotion put into them to manifest as actual aberrations.

Properties & Behavior[]

Since "aberration" is a blanket term covering every kind of supernatural creature, there aren't many properties shared by every aberration, and there are always exceptions to every rule. While, when talking about an aberration, one is most likely referring to a creature, aberrations have been said to also take the form of non-sentient items. While aberrations exist due to humans, they don't necessarily wish to coexist with them, and many aberrations bring danger to humans. aberrations generally seem to "attack" people with emotional issues, and the key to resolving an aberration problem usually lies as much in making the victim more mentally stable as in exorcising the aberration itself.

One notable notion is that, for unexplained reasons, humans who have encountered aberrations are more likely to run into more of them. In certain cases, prolonged exposure to aberrations can actually turn a human into an aberration itself; it is said that a lot of Specialists end up eventually becoming aberrations themselves. The cause of the metamorphosis varies, but it's mostly dependent on the human in question getting so used to the aberration that their soul becomes more like that of a monster than a human.

The "Darkness"[]

The "Darkness" (「くらやみ」, "Kurayami") is the unofficial name of an important concept of the Monogatari Series. Also known as "Spirited Away" (「神隠(かみかく)し」, "Kamikakushi"), the "Neutral One" (中立者(ちゅうりつしゃ), "Chūritsusha"), the "Balancer" (「バランサー」, "Baransā") or the "Eraser" (「イレイザー」, Ireizā"), the "Darkness" is a non-existence, a law of the universe, which governs the world of aberrations. It is not an aberration itself, but a reaction from the world itself to other aberrations. Its function is to erase every aberration that doesn't behave according to its nature. Izuko Gaen compared it to how a human that strays from the rules of society and commits a crime is punished. Similarly, aberrations that don't follow their natures and instead lie about themselves are literally erased, and in some cases, the "Darkness" can also erase those that have fallen under the aberration's wrongful behaviour. However, it is not completely impossible for an aberration to change its nature without invoking the "Darkness", but it must do so under strict conditions, without lying about its state. As a non-existence, the "Darkness" is literally a mass of nothing, an invisible phenomenon, but it can nonetheless be easily noticed due to the lack of anything existing in the place of the "Darkness", making it out of place. In the anime, it is depicted as a black mass of kanji, and later simply as a black hole.


Specialists (専門家(せんもんか), Senmonka) are humans with knowledge of aberrations which make it their profession to protect or inform other people about aberrations, in the case of an attack. A lot of specialists are exorcists or exterminators, people who destroy the aberrations they encounter, but there are also some specialists who employ more peaceful tactics and seek a balance between humans and monsters.

According to Izuko Gaen, the 'proper' method of exterminating aberrations for specialists is to expose their 'real identities', thus getting the "Darkness" to erase them. As such, a specialist's regular job is investigating every urban legend they come across and finding an explanations for it, thus nullifying any paranormal factors. According to her, because of this, their line of work is one that will eventually disappear as everything is explained[1].

Gaen Network[]

The Gaen Network is an organization run by the Gaen Family, consisting of a network of Specialists which communicate with each other and commonly decide on how to tackle certain cases of aberrations. The Gaen Network is said to be an essential organization for most specialists, and there are very few successful cases of independent specialists outside it. Not much about the Gaen Network's structure is unknown, aside from the fact that it is led by Izuko Gaen. It's occasionally mentioned that the Gaen bloodline is influential in the world of specialists, suggesting that the Gaen Network has a long history behind it. That being said, the true extent of its influence remains undisclosed, such as whether they have international reach or purely within Japan.

Hearsay Police Department[]

The Naoetsu Hearsay Police Department (直江津署風説課(なおえつしょふうせつか), Naoetsu Shofūsetsuka) is a section of the local police established by Izuko for the purpose of creating a national organization of specialists. It is comprised mostly of past victims of aberrations scouted by Izuko and investigates every rumour they come across, confirming whether or not it is the work of an aberration and acting accordingly.

List of Specialists[]

Gaen Network Affiliates[]

Name Gender Specialization
Izuko Gaen Female Unknown
Meme Oshino Male General
Deishuu Kaiki Male Con Man
Yozuru Kagenui Female Immortal Aberrations
Yotsugi Ononoki Female Immortal Aberrations

Other Specialists[]

Seishirou Shishirui
Name Gender Specialization
Dramaturgy Male Vampires
Episode Male Vampires
Guillotinecutter Male Vampires
Tadatsuru Teori Male Immortal Aberrations
Seishirou Shishirui Male Unknown

Hearsay Department[]

Tsuzura Kouga
Zenka Suou
Nozomi Kizashima
Mitome Saizaki
Name Gender Position
Tsuzura Kouga Female Department Chief
Zenka Suou Female Officer
Nozomi Kizashima Female Officer
Mitome Saizaki Female Officer
Koyomi Araragi Male Officer

List of Aberrations[]

Possessive Aberrations[]

These are aberrations which are in any way connected to, depending on or possessing a human.

Name Host Type
Weight Crab Hitagi Senjougahara God
Rainy Devil Suruga Kanbaru
Rouka Numachi
Rouka Hanadori
Tooe Gaen
Jagirinawa Nadeko Sengoku
Sunshi Sajou
Meddlecat Tsubasa Hanekawa Unspecified
Cinderswarm Bee Karen Araragi Fake Aberration
Kuchinawa Nadeko Sengoku God
Slug Tofu Nadeko Sengoku Fake Aberration
Classroom 1-3 Naoetsu Private Academy Location
Mirror World Naoetsu Town Location

Aberration Characters[]

Sentient aberrations which take the roles of characters in the narrative.

Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster
Tropicalesque Homeawave Dogstrings
Skyrumble Triplealps Fondants
Seishirou Shishirui
Kie Harimaze
 Black Hanekawa
Black Hanekawa
 Hysteria Tiger
Hysteria Tiger
Rouka Numachi
Zenka Suou
Nozomi Kizashima
Mitome Saizaki
Name Gender Type
Mayoi Hachikuji Female Ghost (Lost Cow)
Yotsugi Ononoki Female Tsukumogami
Tsukihi Araragi Female Dying Bird
Kissshot Acerolaorion Heartunderblade Female Vampire
Deathtopia Virtuoso Suicidemaster Female Vampire
Tropicalesque Homeawave Dogstrings Male Vampire
Skyrumble Triplealps Fondants Male Vampire
Dramaturgy Male Vampire
Seishirou Shishirui Male Vampire
Lowrise Male Vampire
Highwaist Female Vampire
Kie Harimaze Female Vampire
Episode Male Half-Vampire
Black Hanekawa Formerly Male Meddlecat (Originally)
Hysteria Tiger Female New Aberration
Ougi Oshino Unknown New Aberration
Rouka Numachi Female Ghost
Tadatsuru Teori Male Doll User
Zenka Suou Female Mermaid
Nozomi Kizashima Female Golem
Mitome Saizaki Female Werewolf


  1. Owarimonogatari (Part Three), Episode Seven: Ougi Dark


Monogatari Navigation
First Season 1. Bakemonogatari (Part One) • 2. Bakemonogatari (Part Two) • 3. Kizumonogatari • 4. Nisemonogatari (Part One) • 5. Nisemonogatari (Part Two) • 6. Nekomonogatari (Black)
Second Season 7. Nekomonogatari (White) • 8. Kabukimonogatari • 9. Hanamonogatari • 10. Otorimonogatari • 11. Onimonogatari • 12. Koimonogatari
Final Season 13. Tsukimonogatari • 14. Koyomimonogatari • 15. Owarimonogatari (Part One) • 16. Owarimonogatari (Part Two) • 17. Owarimonogatari (Part Three) • 18. Zoku Owarimonogatari
Off Season 19. Orokamonogatari • 20. Wazamonogatari • 21. Nademonogatari • 22. Musubimonogatari
Monster Season 23. Shinobumonogatari • 24. Yoimonogatari • 25. Amarimonogatari • 26. Ougimonogatari • 27. Shinomonogatari (Part One) • 28. Shinomonogatari (Part Two)
Manga Volume 1: Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3
Volume 2: Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9Chapter 10Chapter 11Chapter 12
Volume 3: Chapter 13Chapter 14Chapter 15Chapter 16Chapter 17Chapter 18Chapter 19Chapter 20Chapter 21
Volume 4: Chapter 22Chapter 23Chapter 24Chapter 25Chapter 26Chapter 27Chapter 28Chapter 29Chapter 30
Volume 5: Chapter 31Chapter 32Chapter 33Chapter 34Chapter 35Chapter 36Chapter 37Chapter 38Chapter 39Chapter 40
Volume 6: Chapter 41Chapter 42Chapter 43Chapter 44Chapter 45Chapter 46Chapter 47Chapter 48Chapter 49
Volume 7: Chapter 50Chapter 51Chapter 52Chapter 53Chapter 54Chapter 55Chapter 56Chapter 57Chapter 58
Volume 8: Chapter 59Chapter 60Chapter 61Chapter 62Chapter 63Chapter 64Chapter 65Chapter 66Chapter 67
Volume 9: Chapter 68Chapter 69Chapter 70Chapter 71Chapter 72Chapter 73Chapter 74Chapter 74Chapter 75Chapter 76
Volume 10: Chapter 77Chapter 78Chapter 79Chapter 80Chapter 81Chapter 82Chapter 83Chapter 84Chapter 85
Volume 11: Chapter 86Chapter 87Chapter 88Chapter 89Chapter 90Chapter 91Chapter 92Chapter 93Chapter 94
Volume 12: Chapter 95Chapter 96Chapter 97Chapter 98Chapter 99Chapter 100Chapter 101Chapter 102Chapter 103
Anime Bakemonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15
Nisemonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11
Nekomonogatari Black: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Monogatari Series Second Season: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12Episode 13Episode 14Episode 15Episode 16Episode 17Episode 18Episode 19Episode 20Episode 21Episode 22Episode 23Episode 24Episode 25Episode 26
Hanamonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5
Tsukimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4
Owarimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Koyomimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7Episode 8Episode 9Episode 10Episode 11Episode 12
Kizumonogatari: Iron-Blooded ChapterHot-Blooded ChapterCold-Blooded Chapter
Owarimonogatari Season Two: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6Episode 7
Zoku Owarimonogatari: Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5Episode 6
Other Heroine Books: Heroine Book #1Heroine Book #2Heroine Book #3Heroine Book #4Heroine Book #5Heroine Book #6Heroine Book #7Heroine Book #8
Guidebooks: Bakemonogatari Anime Complete GuidebookNisemonogatari Anime Complete Guidebook
Others: MazemonogatariMonogatari Series Puc Puc
Characters & World
Araragi Family Koyomi AraragiKaren AraragiTsukihi AraragiMother Araragi
Naoetsu Private Academy Faculty: Komichi TetsujouYoshikiShimaIrinakaHoshinaHarukami
Year One Seniors: Koyomi AraragiHitagi SenjougaharaTsubasa HanekawaSodachi Oikura
Year One Juniors: Suruga KanbaruSeiu Higasa
Year One Freshmen: Ougi Oshino
Year Two Seniors: Suruga KanbaruSeiu Higasa
Year Two Juniors: Ougi OshinoAburi HonnouMisago KanguuSouwa Kiseki
Year Two Freshmen: Kie HarimazeKyoumi Kuchimoto
Year Two Alumni: Koyomi AraragiMitono ShounouReika MayokoNikawa UmikawaSylvia CiviaSeika OokiHibari Beniguchi
Former Class 1-3 Students: 1. Keiri Ashine • 2. Koyomi Araragi • 3. Biwa Arikure • 4. Michisada Igami • 5. Kyuusu Ukitobi • 6. Sodachi Oikura • 7. Enji Kikigoe • 8. Hoka Kijikiri • 9. Aizu Kube • 10. Nageki Gekizaka • 11. Sousho Koudou • 12. Okitada Kouma • 13. Ayazute Shinaniwa • 14. Tsuuma Shuui • 15. Juudo Shuzawa • 16. Kokushi Suuchi • 17. Ruise Sunahama • 18. Hitagi Senjougahara • 19. Kiichigo Daino • 20. Jiku Toune • 21. Suisen Toishima • 22. Chouka Nagagutsu • 23. Roka Haga • 24. Seiko Hayamachi • 25. Sekirou Higuma • 26. Jouro Hishigata • 27. Shimono Fukadoo • 28. Tenko Fukuishi • 29. Shijima Fudou • 30. Sakaatsu Fuyunami • 31. Kabe Madomura • 32. Hyoui Marizumi • 33. Meibi Mizaki • 34. Miawa Mebe • 35. Shokunori Yuba • 36. Shoukei Yoki • 37. Shitsue Waritori
Nanahyakuichi Middle School Faculty: Sasayabu
Students: Nadeko SengokuKoyomi AraragiSodachi OikuraSunshi SajouNakuna
Gaen Family Suruga GaenIzuko GaenTooe GaenUroko Gaen
Specialists Gaen Network Members: Izuko GaenMeme OshinoDeishuu KaikiYozuru KagenuiYotsugi Ononoki
Other Specialists: Tadatsuru TeoriSeishirou ShishiruiEpisodeDramaturgyGuillotinecutter
Hearsay Police Department Koyomi AraragiZenka SuouNozomi KizashimaMitome SaizakiTsuzura Kouga
Other Police Officers: Karen Araragi
Manase National University Koyomi AraragiMeniko HamukaiHitagi SenjougaharaSodachi OikuraHagoromo Iezumi
Beniguchi Family Kujaku BeniguchiHibari BeniguchiMikiyoshi BeniguchiToyoko Beniguchi
Abberations Vampires: Kissshot Acerolaorion HeartunderbladeDeathtopia Virtuoso SuicidemasterTropicalesque Homeawave DogstringsHighwaistLowriseDramaturgyEpisodeSeishirou ShishiruiKie Harimaze
Shikigami: Yotsugi OnonokiNoise NadekoFlirty NadekoReverse NadekoGod Nadeko
Other Oddity Characters: Mayoi HachikujiOugi OshinoBlack HanekawaTsukihi AraragiTadatsuru TeoriRouka NumachiZenka SuouNozomi KizashimaMitome Saizaki
Other Oddities: Weight CrabLost CowRainy DevilJagirinawaMeddlecatCinderswarm BeeDying BirdHysteria TigerJiangshiKuchinawa
Shishikurasaki High School Sodachi OikuraAmiko YurugaseLily SuzubayashiNorika KyakufujiYuuhei HashimuraAyakari HatamotoEritari KirikiBouto Odorima
Others Father SenjougaharaFather HachikujiHakobe CoupleRouka HanadoriThe Old WitchCorpse KingDojo MasterIie IezumiOchiba JourakuRan HokkyokuseiJoukaSui
Locations In Naoetsu Town: Naoetsu Private AcademyNanahyakuichi Middle SchoolEikou Cram SchoolTsuganoki 2nd Middle SchoolNamishiro ParkNorth Shirahebi ShrineHaruya BookstoreMister DonutAraragi ResidenceTsunade ResidenceOikura ResidenceHanekawa ResidenceSengoku ResidenceHachikuji ResidenceTamikura Apartments
Other Locations: Corpse CastleHellRoute X